One of the lines I most enjoyed from the Final
Fantasy XIII trilogy involved the phrase "time
flows in circles". I sort of have that feeling
reading Blisterpod. Not just because I
originally thought there was already a card with
that name, but also because it combines well
enough with the likes of Bloodthrone Vampire,
Marrow Chomper, and Parallel Lives that it could
easily have gone in the first Zendikar block. As
such, it is well worth considering in decks that
involve generating tokens, taking advantage of
creatures dying, or any related strategy.
Welcome back readers today's card of the day is
Blisterpod a tiny creature that turns into
another tiny creature! Blisterpod is an
investment you can get two bodies for sacrifice
shenanigans and can refund the mana spent on the
card. In standard this card can slot perfectly
into sacrifice style decks especially ones using
tomorrows card. It can also do well in decks
that want to make tokens but its slightly
underwhelming if your using the tokens for pure
aggression. In other competitive formats outside
of standard this card is disappointing and does
not provide enough value for the cost of putting
it in your deck. In casual and multiplayer this
provides two bodies for the price of one and can
assist in powering out Eldrazi creatures and
providing useful bodies for sacrifice decks. The
dual ability to get some mana refunded at a
later point while also providing death triggers
is a solid combination. In limited its pretty
solid on the ground and can trade with X/1
creatures and provide a bit of mana while also
being able to effectively chump a couple times
if needed. Overall a solid little card with some
applications in various formats and places.
This may not seem like a flashy play, but it's a
very strong Turn One for any creature-based
offensive or any Limited deck. A sticky 1/1 can
either gum up the ground long enough to get your
big plays out, or give you the security of
having a target for your pump spell next turn.
The fact that the second 1/1 can be cashed in
for one mana means that this can also help
accelerate your big plays out a turn faster,
making it great for a midrange or ramp build.