Long-time readers will already have deduced that
just on the basis of my personal color
preferences in Magic, Atarka is my favorite of
Tarkir's Dragonlords. Apart from that, though,
she actually holds her own very well in the
larger worlds of casual play and among the
gallery of dragons past and present. Her power
and toughness mean that she outfights the
majority of the tribe and indeed almost any
creature short of an Eldrazi. The damage ability
is what you always expect a dragon's breath
weapon to be but actually get surprisingly
infrequently in Magic; it lacks the surprise
factor of the similar Bogardan Hellkite,
but that's not even always relevant against the
sort of decks where you want it. And in decks or
settings where you can cast her repeatedly (ie.
Commander), there are few creatures more