I remember seeing this card as one of the
previews for Dark Ascension and raising an
eyebrow, much like Mr. Spock, at what it
implied. Yes, it doesn't look like so much next
to Praetors and Sphinxes and Eldrazi and Titans,
which everyone was still reeling from at the
time. A 2/1 creature doesn't always read so
impressively compared to aggro creatures,
depending on what sort of tribe or theme is
being pushed in a particular year. But then you
think about how it keeps coming back. And coming
back. And coming back. That damage adds up over
time, and your opponent's removal spells and
blockers run down. Even more so if your opponent
decides there's no point in killing it -
even much more humble cards like Flying Men or
Llanowar Elves can deal more damage than a
Lightning Bolt because they don't look like
they're worth dealing with.
And yet another special printing of Gravecrawler
in a deck, and.... we only get one copy per
deck. Again. Way to jerk us around Wotc. Anyway,
Prized Amalgam loves this card. LOVES. THIS.
CARD. Plenty others do too, I just felt the need
to mention something out of the new set that
actively suffers for the lack of this being
reprinted in standard. Oh well.