This is already among the absolute scariest card
art in all of Magic, so I won't spend too much
time talking about that; it doesn't need me to
sell it. (Think about this: why exactly is the
character raising their hands to their face?) I
must confess that I've never actually played
with it, partly because it's so horrifying to
look at, but I give it a lot of credit for
having such a unique effect. Apart from making
you basically invincible in combination with
Melira (hard as it may be flavorwise to justify
both of them in the same deck), it interacts
very well with anything that lets you pay life
for something. Dark Tutelage doesn't have
anything I consider to be a real drawback to
begin with, and alongside this, it almost has an
outright bonus. And yes, those opposing
creatures this card mentions are now effectively
much, much more efficient than usual relative to
your own game stats, but when your Dark Tutelage
and Dismember don't truly hurt you, that doesn't
seem like as serious a problem.
Until next week, rummage through the big box of
cards that is life, and cast Death's Shadow as
often as you can.