This is a very interesting card to assess and to
think about, especially when you note that the
energy counter you get from the Hub itself
doesn't have to be used for its own ability, and
its own ability doesn't require that the energy
counter comes from itself. It's not a versatile
or universal card by any stretch of the
imagination, but in a deck based around
generating and using energy counters, it's one
of the strongest City of Brass variants
imaginable, and it helps ensure your access to
the full range of cards that interact with
energy counters.
Aether Hub hearkens back to Tendo Ice Bridge
from Betrayers of Kamigawa in that it's
colorless mana, but you can spend a resource to
get colored mana. Its predecessor called for
charge counters, and this iteration asks for
Energy, which it supplies on entry.
Aether Hub is excellent in decks that can
produce energy as a mana correction tool, and
it's even useful outside of those for its
one-shot effect. Aether Hub isn't flashy, and
it's not hugely bombastic, but it gets the job
done, and it's bound to be one of the star cards
from the set.