I'm glad they finally decided, to quote Chris
Jericho's famous theme song, to break the walls
down when it comes to creatures that are exactly
four colors. Perhaps it's hard to design things
for such a card beyond making something
broadly evocative of the four colors, but it's
undeniably attention-grabbing (and besides,
aren't things like that exactly what Rosewater
is getting paid for?).
Saskia is a major boon to her colors in
multiplayer - colors which tend to like getting
aggressive but easily run out of attack before
you run out of opponents. You're basically
attacking two players at once and sometimes
more, and occasionally doubling or more than
doubling damage on one unfortunate person, and
you have great options in her colors for getting
damage through and keeping her on the table so
your opponents stay living in the agony of
defeat. I don't feel it's too hyperbolic to say
that Saskia really breaks down the
last walls for aggressive archetypes in
The challenge with four-color design is how
to “define” the cards in question, and the most
logical choice s to make them the antithesis of
the omitted color. Saskia is a prime example of
this: she rewards quick, decisive action over
methodical planning.
The idea of Saskia is to allow you to take out
two opponents at the same time or, if you
desire, to double up on the same player. It’s a
separate trigger of damage when they get
through, which helps you to break through the
annoying player who has the pillow fort deck.
Alas, her combat stats are merely acceptable;
3/4 with haste and vigilance isn’t awful, but
her power is a bit low to really break through
sturdier forces.
She's an interesting combo piece in a
combat-geared deck, which you're likely to have
with these colors. I could also maybe see her
being an interesting choice in some wonky Legacy
build, but she basically requires a perfect
build to take advantage of (with demanding four
colors, none of which are blue), so I don't see
her working all too well.