Somewhere around my house, I still have my Star
Wars TCG incarnation of the Devastator, a unique
star destroyer printed under that game's vehicle
mechanic. I thought of it when I saw this card,
because they're both imposing nemesis cards that
you feel really powerful playing with, and you
feel really good when you take down and
opponent's. Artifact removal may be more
prevalent in Magic than anti-ship weapons were
in Star Wars, but Skysovereign easily takes over
any game where it isn't dealt with soon enough.
The fact that it isn't always a creature can
also help it, much like historical powerhouses
such as Raging Ravine and Mutavault.
This is pretty much the definition of a bomb,
especially in Limited. It comes down and can
immediately pick off either a pesky creature or
planeswalker, and it can do it again each time
it attacks. There aren't a ton of creatures that
can stand in Skysovereign's way, and it also
flies in for 6 damage with a very modest crew
Outside of Limited, where this is broken, I
think this may have a chance to make an impact,
though it obviously asks for other creatures to
be more than an overpriced Sunlance/Strafe
variant. I don’t know if an offensive deck wants
to be here, but it makes sense as a
stall-breaking card in a long, grindy game.
Being 5 mana is actually surprisingly okay in
this format, dodging Spell Queller and
Fragmentize/Natural State, and I think it’s fair
to be bullish on this particular ship.