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Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day
Daily Since November 2001!

Image from
Wizards.com |
- Modern Masters 2017
April 3, 2017
Constructed: 4.25
Casual: 4.50
Limited: 4.50
Multiplayer: 3.50
Commander [EDH]: 3.75
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale:
1 - Horrible 3 - Average. 5 - Awesome
Click here to see
all of our
Card of the Day Reviews

David Fanany
Player since
1995 |
Coiling Oracle
This card is very suitably Simic - subtle,
sneaky, and serpentine. It's easy not to notice
the advantage you get from little extra effects
like this piling up over time, and even easier
not to notice that if you get a land, it doesn't
come into play tapped unless its own game text
specifies. It's usually a stronger effect in a
vacuum than only drawing a card, as with Elvish
Visionary, and an excellent reason for tribal
decks with either snakes or elves to go into
blue (and one of the craziest combinations of
tribes ever!).
Constructed: 4/5
Casual: 4/5
Limited: 4/5
Multiplayer: 4/5
EDH/Commander: 4/5
James H. |
Coiling Oracle (4/3)
One of the more unusual and beloved cards from
Dissension, Coiling Oracle is basically a 1/1
cantrip with a lot of upside. You get to either
put another land onto the battlefield or draw a
card, leaving a 1/1 behind.
Two colors is sometimes a bit of a chore to ask
for on turn 2, and this has the most
effectiveness in the early game, when you can
use mana acceleration and a 1/1 isn’t a
speedbump. If you're in Bant colors or just in
Simic colors, though (or some other 3-color
combo involving green and blue), the little
mutant freak might be a worthwhile inclusion.
Constructed: 4.5
Casual: 5
Limited: 5
Multiplayer: 3
Commander: 3.5