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Image from
Wizards.com |
- Commander 2017
Reviewed August , 2017
Constructed: 2.00
Casual: 4.25
Limited: DNA
Multiplayer: 4.00
Commander [EDH]: 4.25
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale:
1 - Horrible 3 - Average. 5 - Awesome
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all of our
Card of the Day Reviews

David Fanany
Player since
1995 |
Edgar Markov
I quite like Edgar's art here, but I would
comment that if you just look at the picture,
it's not necessarily immediately apparent that
he's a vampire. You might infer it if you were
familiar with Innistrad's decadent and brutal
vampires, but at first and second glance it
looks like a nobleman and his retainers. Still,
when you do put him in a deck with other
vampires, you're not likely to be disappointed.
Giving all your creatures a permanent boost is
nothing to laugh at, especially since some
vampires have abilities that care about +1/+1
counters anyway. The token-generating ability is
also a lot more reliable than it looks, since in
a Commander game it's active starting on turn
zero rather than when you cast him - he
effectively doubles the size of your aggro
swarm, and that alone is worth looking into in a
format where that archetype traditionally
Constructed: 2/5
Casual: 4/5
Limited: n/a
Multiplayer: 4/5
EDH/Commander: 4/5 |
James H. |
Edgar Markov
He may be a vampire, but he
doesn't suck. Edgar Markov is an excellent
enabler for Vampires; while the tribe
historically has been more in black and red
(occasionally dipping into white), Edgar makes a
good argument for the white splash. He churns
out a Vampire with each other one you cast, and
when you get him to the board, he threatens to
end the game quickly. While he's “only” a 4/4 at
first, first strike and his attack trigger make
him hard to get rid of and
dangerous with a Vampire army.
Like with Arahbo, Edgar
aims to end the game quickly on-board through
lots of attacking, and he may well succeed. I
can't think of a better Vampire commander off
the top of my head, if I’m being frank (though
the other new legend, Licia, is also pretty
solid, though without giving the support to your
board Edgar offers).
Constructed: 2
Casual: 4.5
Multiplayer: 4
Commander: 4.5