General Tazri's main talking point is that he is
an Ally with a five-color identity, meaning that
it's now much easier to make an on-theme
Commander deck with basically every creature of
that type. People have been dreaming about such
a deck for half a decade, and while I'm not sure
it's the most powerful deck in the format, I
suspect it's a lot more fun than you might
expect on paper. Certainly it would be one of
the Commander decks that can make the most
effective use of cool cards like All Suns' Dawn
and the Bringers. I also can't help but note
that his activated ability is another one that
makes beatdown strategies much more viable in
multiplayer, especially if you can manage to
activate it multiple times in one turn.
The long-awaited five-color
Ally commander finally appeared in the fifth
Zendikar set overall, and she's
about as serviceable a creature as you can hope
for from a commander. She tutors out an Ally
when she hits, she triggers all Ally effects,
and you can turn her ability into a potentially
lethal swing. So, for the Ally deck, she is a
slam-dunk and then some.
Outside the Ally casual and
commander decks, she's too slow; a 5-mana tutor
attached to a sub-rate body is not where you
want to be. But she's awesome in the decks that
can build into her.