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Image from
Wizards.com |
Strategic Planning
- Hour of Devastation
July 18, 2017
Constructed: 3.5
Casual: 3.67
Limited: 3.88
Multiplayer: 3.00
Commander [EDH]: 3.25
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale:
1 - Horrible 3 - Average. 5 - Awesome
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all of our
Card of the Day Reviews

David Fanany
Player since
1995 |
Strategic Planning
You wouldn't guess it from looking at the Hour
of Devastation version, but this name and game
text originally appeared way back in Portal:
Three Kingdoms. For a long time, it was a
slightly unique effect as a supplement to cards
famous in Vintage, like Brainstorm and Portent,
and in high demand because of that.
You also wouldn't guess that Jace is supposed to
be one of the smartest characters of the "New
Era". He certainly wasn't concerned about
approaching carefully when they were following
Tezzeret when literally the only thing they knew
was that he was on his way to Nicol Bolas'
stronghold. Don't be like Jace - use this card
to dig deeper into your library than two-mana
cards have done in a long time, either early or
late in the game, and take advantage of the
graveyard effect too. It's just too bad Emrakul
is banned in Standard, because this potentially
increases your delirium count by three or more
for the low cost of two mana.
Constructed: 4/5
Casual: 4/5
Limited: 4/5
Multiplayer: 4/5
EDH/Commander: 4/5
James H. |
Strategic Planning, interestingly enough, is a
reprint of a very old card from Portal Three
Kingdoms. And for a block as graveyard-dependent
as Amonkhet, it makes sense: filter through the
top three cards of your library, keeping one
that will most benefit you in-hand. It’s not an
amazing card, since it is a two-mana sorcery,
but it’s a neat way of ensuring that you get to
what you need faster and what you want in the
graveyard gets there faster as well.
Constructed: 3
Casual: 3.25
Limited: 3.75
Multiplayer: 2
Commander: 2.5