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Daily Since November 2001!

Image from
Wizards.com |
Death’s Shadow
- Worldwake
June 26, 2017
Constructed: 4.25
Casual: 3.25
Limited: 3.50
Multiplayer: 3.00
Commander [EDH]: 2.50
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale:
1 - Horrible 3 - Average. 5 - Awesome
Click here to see
all of our
Card of the Day Reviews
James H. |
Death’s Shadow
Death’s Shadow has surged into Modern with a
vengeance recently, proving itself to be a
massive threat in decks built around it. For one
black mana, you get a creature that scales
really scarily into the late game (often coming
out as a 5/5 or bigger); it gets bigger if
you’re further "behind", and it's easy to use
fetchlands and other self-damage sources to make
it even more menacing. It’s an excellent
creature against red-heavy strategies, since red
rarely hits damage amounts high enough to kill
Death's Shadow, and its cheap cost means it's
not a huge loss if it gets killed by a Fatal
Push, an Abrupt Decay, or a Path to Exile.
It's not a card that slots perfectly into every
deck, since you want a shell able to support it
and get it bigger without relying on your
opponent. But it's a massive threat at any
point, and the Grixis shells that have adopted
it are well-suited to using it to close out a
game. Even if it's almost never going to be a
13/13, you don't need it to be for it to be
Constructed: 4.5
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 4
Multiplayer: 3
Commander: 2

David Fanany
Player since
1995 |
Death's Shadow
This card definitely puts the "suicide"
back into Suicide Black. It's been a long time
since the Standard decks that involved paying
most of your life for Hatred or Fire Covenant,
but the Modern format has a close equivalent in
cards like Dark Confidant and the entire
fetchland-shockland practice. Even being on ten
life, as you often are in the early midgame in
aggressive formats, makes this card the most
efficient one-cost creature ever, and later on
it is an Eldrazi-scale finisher so cheap that
you can leave enough mana open to counter three
spells. With all the cards that care about
creatures coming into play or being in your
graveyard (and the odd card that cares about
what power is printed on a card in your
graveyard), there's even occasionally a reason
to cast it when your life total is above 13.
Constructed: 4/5
Casual: 3/5
Limited: 3/5
Multiplayer: 3/5
EDH/Commander: 3/5 |