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Image from
Wizards.com |
Faith of the Devoted
- Amonkhet
June 9, 2017
Constructed: 2.88
Casual: 3.25
Limited: 3.75
Multiplayer: 3.00
Commander [EDH]: 3.00
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale:
1 - Horrible 3 - Average. 5 - Awesome
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all of our
Card of the Day Reviews

David Fanany
Player since
1995 |
Faith of the Devoted
In a sense, this is pretty much box-checking
design. Cycling is this season's mechanic, so
here's an enchantment that interacts with it. Of
course, that would overlook how many cards
throughout all of Magic this interacts with.
Astral Slide still appears now and then in
casual play, and while you could probably argue
that deck doesn't really need any more help, how
many ways are there to turn Dark Deal into
lethal damage on the spot? You can even use it
as a sideboard card against your friend's Death
Cloud or Smallpox decks, and there's little to
dislike about a card that versatile.
Constructed: 3/5
Casual: 3/5
Limited: 4/5
Multiplayer: 3/5
EDH/Commander: 3/5 |
James H. |
Faith of the Devoted (6/9)
Faith of the Devoted is
another of the payoff cards for the cycling deck
Amonkhet, letting you bleed your
opponents down as you cycle through your deck.
The problem is that it's not great: you need a
high density of cycling cards to get it to work,
and this does nothing on its own (and you need
the extra mana to get bleeding). Cycling has
better payoff pieces, like Drake Haven, and this
largely fails to make the grade.
Constructed: 2.75
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 3.5
Multiplayer: 3
Commander: 3