David Fanany
Player since
1995 |
I'm going to make a possibly controversial
argument and state that this might be the best
Wrath of God variant. But it's just Wrath of
God, you say, except in black. And you'd be
technically correct (the best kind of correct,
according to Hermes Conrad). Remember, though,
that those little mana symbols in the top corner
aren't just an indication of how many of your
five-color lands you have to tap, but how many
you have to try and jam in your deck in the
first place. There's not always as much of a
penalty for stretching your manabase as there
was in the late 90s, but you don't always want
to - sometimes it shifts the focus of your deck,
and sometimes you just don't feel like. A
mono-black version of this effect, at this cost,
enables somewhat unusual archetypes like
black-red or mono-black control, and your
opponent may even forget it exists on occasion
and think they can overextend against your
blue-black deck. I know there is an argument
about what Planar Chaos' color-shifted cards do
for the color pie, but as time goes on I
increasingly think that nothing should stand in
the way of having fun in Magic, not even the
color pie.
Constructed: 4/5
Casual: 4/5
Limited: 4/5
Multiplayer: 4/5
EDH/Commander: 4/5