David Fanany
Player since
1995 |
Glorious End
This is a very interesting card; so interesting
that it makes me wonder how Aaron Forsythe,
who's on the record as saying that "interesting"
cards are not usually good for Magic, let it
through. I'm not sure why Final Fortune couldn't
come back, seeing as that's basically exactly
how this is usually going to be used, but this
does give red the ability to effectively counter
any spell (including ones that can't be
countered), at least if you squint and have
lethal damage on the table. I think I'm
also going to set myself a challenge to cast a
Glorious End during a turn where I would have
lost to a previous Glorious End's trigger. I
know you can just play Angel's Grace or Worship,
but this way just feels more . . . red, somehow.
Constructed: 3/5
Casual: 5/5
Limited: 3/5
Multiplayer: 3/5
EDH/Commander: 3/5
James H. |
Glorious End (5/2)
This is text we haven't
seen for a while. Much like how Final Fortune
and its variants were red takes on Time Walk,
getting a discount but acquiring the pesky “you
lose the game” rider, this is a half-cost Time
Stop. End the turn, but you better win the next
turn. (Or keep yourself from losing; there are
ways to abuse it, like Sundial of the Infinite,
Gideon of the Trials’ ultimate, Angel's Grace,
or something to counter the “lose the game"
This is definitely a
high-risk, high-reward card, but I can see it
being a blowout. Counter something potentially
problematic, keep your opponent from being able
to delay an impending kill, or bait them into an
all-out attack that backfires. The downside is
real, but there are ways around it. I don't know
good Glorious End will be, but I
think it's going to see play while people try to
figure out how good it is. Don't play it in
Limited, though.
Constructed: 4
Casual: 4
Limited: 1.5
Multiplayer: 3
Commander: 3.5