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Daily Since November 2001!

Image from
Wizards.com |
Waker of the Wilds
- Ixalan
Reviewed Sept. 26, 2017
Constructed: 2.5
Casual: 3.88
Limited: 3.75
Multiplayer: 3.00
Commander [EDH]: 3.00
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale:
1 - Horrible 3 - Average. 5 - Awesome
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all of our
Card of the Day Reviews

David Fanany
Player since
1995 |
Waker of the Wilds
Wasn't this card in Battle for Zendikar? It
certainly would have fit in that set
mechanically, and the art is not even too far
from Zendikar's style. Curiously, X can be zero
on this card, meaning you could use the Waker to
basically destroy a bunch of your lands for two
mana apiece. I don't know why you would do that,
but I suppose they would count as creatures when
they went to the graveyard, and thus trigger
anything that cares about that. Other than that,
it gives you another option for using excess
lands late in the game, and the promise of
getting attacked by herds of animated lands will
probably be enough for many opponents to target
the Waker as a priority.
Constructed: 2/5
Casual: 3/5
Limited: 3/5
Multiplayer: 3/5
EDH/Commander: 3/5
James H. |
Waker of the Wilds (9/26)
I lost to this card a couple of times at the
prerelease, which means I may be higher on it
than I should be. But it makes for a very
powerful top-end threat and a way to create a
late-game army, making your spare lands into
Elemental creatures. Its body is not exactly
great (a 3/3 is especially vulnerable, with
Lightning Strike back into the format), and it’s
not a great turn 4 play. Where it excels is in
breaking late-game board states, where nobody
can get through, and it also plays well into the
Merfolk caring about +1/+1 counters subtheme.
Give this fish an inch, and he’s apt to take a
foot, sending an army of Elementals into the red
zone each turn.
Constructed: 3
Casual: 4.75
Limited: 4.5
Multiplayer: 3
Commander: 3