David Fanany
Player since
1995 |
Kinjalli's Sunwing
Without giving too much away up front, I
realized that most of this week's cards have a
reference to the sun in their name. We didn't
actually do that intentionally, but it sort of
fits with the recent eclipse, not to mention
with the impending dawn of a new era in Magic.
Pirates and dinosaurs sounds like the sort of
thing you would find in some weird meme
combining thread on a cynical, poorly moderated
imageboard, but I think we should give it a
chance. Even in just the leaked cards, I've
already seen a few things I want to try out!
By the way, I did also say "dinosaur", and I
will continue to do so despite the fact that
Kinjalli's Sunwing would probably be classed as
a pterosaur if someone dug it up in Montana.
There's no need to go around correcting
"scientific accuracy" on things in popular
culture. First of all, somebody did not dig the
Sunwing up in Montana; second of all, it exists
in the same universe as both Vraska and Emrakul.
And third of all, science is not immutable law
- terminology and classification has changed in
the past and will change again. Let it be
whatever it wants.
I think one of the things it wants to be is a
stealth hoser for red decks. If you've played
Standard at FNM recently, you have probably been
on the wrong end of Glorybringer - and a card
like that is a lot less scary when you slow it
down and take away its surprise factor. Many red
decks like to switch their plan from burn spells
to fast creatures in games two and three of
tournament matches, and the presence of a card
like this prevents them from doing so as
completely as they might, if only because
they'll need to get it out of the way.
Preventing slower decks from stabilizing with
late blockers is something you can get from any
number of cards that aren't susceptible to the
storm of Keranos, but it's much more threatening
when the effect comes with an evasive dinosaur.
Constructed: 3/5
Casual: 4/5
Limited: 4/5
Multiplayer: 4/5
EDH/Commander: 4/5
I've been on Instagram since late last year,
and I have a lot of Magic posts - reactions to
new cards, things from my collection, decks, and
the like - and stuff from other games as well.
If that interests you, come find me: @davidfanany