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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
A Different Blood Clock Idea deck

October 2, 2006

Hi, I'm Harvey. I have been playing Magic only since fifth dawn and I've always been interested in bounce. So when I saw the SOK spoiler, I immediately started thinking. Hence, a deck that abuses Blood Clock and The Web of War:
61 cards
2 Boros Recruit
4 Boros Swiftblade
3 Diving Griffin
3 Homura, Human Ascendant
3 Screeching Griffin
4 Soul Warden
4 Lightning Helix
3 Seething Song
3 Bathe in Light
3 Blood Clock
4 Ronin Warclub
9 Mountain
11 Plains
2 Sacred Foundry (budget too demanding)
Well, basically I want to drop a blood clock as soon as possible, and while disrupting my oppenent I could also use in the web of war to take advantage of returning a permanant. Ronin Warclub is one of my favourite additions as it really fits the theme because my creatures come into play alot theoretically. Screeching griffin and Diving griffin and most importantly Boros Swiftblade can make it hard for my oppenent to block my attacks. Homura is the best creature in my deck. Not only does it have a high attack power, my oppenent will be very hesitant to block it as it boost my creatures attack once it dies. Bathe in light can protect my creatures, but it can also make my creatures unblockable. However, what worries me is the centrepiece of the deck as it costs quite a lot of mana. Perhaps there can be some improvements. Thank you so much.
Well, Harvey, thanks for submitting this deck.  Blood Clock is a fun card and a tricky one.  Anything that gives your opponents the opportunity to make bad choices is always worth looking at.  Either it will set your opponent back in development, or they will pay the 2 life.  But remember, the Clock winds down on both of you simultaneously, so you need to be able to tip the pendulum in your favor if you want to win.  And I think I know just how to do it.
First of all, you're making a big mistake with Seething Song.  If you play the Song in order to get something out,, what happens if you have to return it to your hand for the Clock?  That's devastating.  What's called for here isn't one big burst of mana, but a steady flow of it.  Something that will give you extra mana more than once.  Replace Seething Song with Boros Signet.  This will soften the impact of having to recast your creatures turn after turn.
Speaking of mana, what good is returning a permanent every turn if your opponent has enough mana to recast it every turn anyway?  In order to get maximum mileage out of the Clock, you need to slow down your opponent's development.  You have Lighning Helix to take out errant creatures, but if you only had some land destruction or more removal.  But it's alright if you don't, because at its core this deck isn't just about Blood Clock shenanigans, it's about a swift Boros assault.  If you're looking to speed things up, replace Screeching Griffin with Skyknight Legionnaire, who costs one less and has haste in case Web of War hasn't shown up yet.  You can remove one copy of Homura, since he's Legendary, which will also bring you down to 60 cards.  And finally, here's one card you simply must make room for in a deck of this nature.  Listen carefully, as I may never recommend this card again.
Flame-Kin Zealot
When the Zealot comes into play, all creatures you control get +1/+1 and haste.  Normally that's lame, since you get one good rush and after that he's just a 2/2 for 1WWR.  But when you can play and replay him, then essentially he's like a Glorious Anthem on attack.  Plus the Web, he comes into play as a 5/3.  And if you get enough mana for two Zealots in a turn, well, I shouldn't have to tell you what comes next, should I?  Only trouble is, I don't know what to pull for it.  That'll be your decision to make.
That's all I can do for this deck-- it's pretty solid as is.  Good luck, Harvey!


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