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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Friday Night Magic G/W/B? Control
December 01, 2006

I played this deck at a Friday Night Magic and won only my first match. I am looking to improve on it to be more of a control deck against slivers and the type 2 trend that's out there.

3 azorius herald
4 beacon hawk
2 celestial crusader
4 cloudchaser kestrel
1 magus of the disk
1 paladin en-vec
4 soltari priest

1 ancestral vision
4 last gasp
1 mortify
3 putrefy

3 faith's fetters
2 pacifism
4 seal of doom
2 spirit link

2 loxodon warhammer

2 boreal shelf
1 frost marsh
2 gemstone mine
6 plains
1 sacred foundry
1 stomping ground
5 swamp
1 underground river
1 watery grave

Thank you for your E-mail. I'm sorry for taking so long to reply, butI get a lot of E-mails.
Congratulations on winning a game at FNM; those tournaments are a great mix of competitive play and fun play. Though, there are quite a few ways to tweak this deck.
When I saw your creatures, I thought you had a solid White Weenie strategy going. ThenI saw your spells, and was forced to wonder which colors you were truly playing. Your manabase is strained, and the deck lacks focus. So, here's what we'll do-- rethink the deck into a sort of 5-color white deck, with plenty of early aggresion and control spells across teh rainbow. I'm seeing lots of hybrid cards.

As it stands, your creature base is fine. But for your new deck plan, there's plenty of better cards out there. All your creatures are white as is, so a few more Celestial Crusaders will do nicely, as will a few Ivory Giant. I'm not sure you'll need Paladin en-Vec, since it's 1WW to cast and your manabase might not have it. Instead, let's ensure you can get a 2/2 out even earlier, with copies of each white Guildmage-- Boros, Selesnya, Orzhov, and Azorius. They're quick, they can beat pretty nicely, their white abilites (first strike, Anthem for a turn, life gain, and tapping) will be of great help, and we'll fix your land counts so you'll have no trouble using their other abilities (haste, Saprolings, life loss, and ability countering) if necessary. Azorius Herald is nice,and I suggest a few Shrieking Grotesque would be nice as well, as would Minister of Impediments orMourning Thrull. These are all just suggestions of course; don't add them all. Just the ones you think will help yo u the most.

Now, for your spells. Take out all the one's that aren't white-- that includes Putrefy. So we're left with a Mortify. You definitely want more Mortifies. A fourth Faith's Fetters, and a few more Pacifism seal the deal, anda few Disenchant would really help as well. If you don't mind spending a little money, a few Dovescape or Debtor's Knell could be devastating here. Master Warcraft makes a fine finisher, as does Fortify. And of course, there's Worship if you want to really get under people's skin. Short of Harmonic Sliver or Screeching Sliver, Worship should make most games plain unwinnable for a good number of Sliver decks.

Finally, those lands. If you're not on a budget at all, the real awesome way to ensure you access to all the colors you need would be 4 Gift of Estates, plus a copy or two of each Ravnica dual land that's half-Plains. Since that's expensive, a few copies of each half white bounceland should do the trick. A few Prismatic Lens or appropriate Signets wouldn't hurt either if you've got room for them.

Hopefully that will help. The deck came to me kind of confused, and I may have changed the way it plays, but at least it's more focused now. Good luck, and enjoy FNM!



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