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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Dusan's Dimir Deck
Well, let me
start off by saying how great it is to be recognized so
quickly as a Pojo writer. The day after my Deck Garage
went online, I received four decklists from aspiring
players, and not a day has gone by so far that another
one didn't come in! Let's get right into it, with the
first E-mail i received as a Pojo Deck Mechanic!
"Dear BMoor,
Firstly i would like to apologize in advance for any
grammatical error in this letter because english isnt my
native tongue.
I have recently composed a Black-Blue combo deck that
works on the dimir doppleganger - mindleched mass.
Althou the idea of the deck is pretty good i am having a
bit of trouble playing against the dredge mechanichs
because his creatures are always coming back no matter
how hard i try to kill them or counter them. I am also
having trouble with black spirit creatures, or more
specificly kokusho, because as you can see my deck has
no flyers.
Some of the cards i am considering to include are kiku`s
shadow,dimir cutpurse, and/or leyline of the void, but i
cant decide what to disclude from the deck. To make a
long story short here is the decklist, so you can work
your magic:
3x mana leak
3x rewind
3x blackmail
3x dimir doppleganger
3x mindleched mass
3x last gasp
3x rend flesh
3x hideous laughter
3x lore broker
3x royal assassin
3x thought courier
3x dimir guildmage
3x perplex
11x island
10x swamp
I use blackmail, thouht courier and lore broker to put
mindleched mass as soon as possible in my graveyard and
copy it with dimir doppleganger. Hideous laughter,
lastgasp, rend flesh, royal assassin are there to keep
my opponents side of the board clear. mana leak, rewind,
perplex are also used for that purpose.
i would apreciate if you would keep it t2 legal
thankfull in advance,
dusan kovacevic"
Thanks for the E-mail Dusan! The deck looks good, but a
few things do jump out at me.
Number one, you said you have problems with Dredge
creatures, but you already have an answer in the deck:
Dimir Doppelganger itself. The Doppelganger’s ability
removes the target card in ANY graveyard from the game,
so you could use it on your opponent’s upkeep to copy
whatever card you don’t want him/her to Dredge back. Of
course, if the Doppelganger is already something better,
than I could see where you’d want another answer. Number
two, I noticed you have exactly three copies of every
nonland card in the deck. This is fine, but awfully
strange. You do realize that you’re allowed up to four
of each card that isn’t a basic land, don’t you? Well,
maybe we’ll go up to four on some cards. And number
three, it sounds from your letter like your main use for
Blackmail is to target yourself? I’m sorry, but that’s
just not good strategy. If you want to discard cards
yourself, discard them as a cost to get something back,
like with Thought Courier. With him, you discard a card
and get to draw a new card. Blackmail is still a good
card, but target an opponent with it please.
Okay, right now you’ve got nine counterspells, but quite
frankly I’m not a big fan of Rewind. Yes, it’s free, but
only if you leave four mana open. That’s a lot of mana
to leave open, and if your opponent doesn’t play
anything threatening, you’ll often regret not using that
mana for something else. Let’s take out Rewind, and add
an additional copy each of Mana Leak and Perplex. Mana
Leak is a great counter. Perplex not so much really, but
I’m adding another copy because I like it’s transmute
ability. Perplex can search your deck for Dimir
Doppelganger, Rend Flesh, or Royal Assassin. And maybe
I’ll add in some more cards that cost 3 for Perplex to
tutor up. Another card that I have reservations about is
Hideous Laughter. The only creature you have that can
survive it is Mindleech Mass, or a Dimir Doppelganger
that copied a creature that can survive it. That can go.
As far as keeping your opponent’s board clear goes, I
suggest a fourth Last Gasp, and a Ribbons of Night or
two. Everything else you’ve got should hopefully be
Now, for an answer to Dredge creatures. The best bet is
to be able to remove cards from your opponents’
graveyards. But against any non-Dredge deck, that card
will be useless unless it does other things. My
solution: Junktroller. Its 0/6 body will hold off
opposing creatures that got past your counterspells,
discard, and removal while its ability can take dead
Dredgers and move them to the bottom of your opponent’s
library where they’ll be of no threat.
And speaking of Dredge, since you seem to be in such a
hurry to get Mindleech Mass in the graveyard, Dredge
seems the perfect fit. But which Dredge card? A black
one obviously, and hopefully one that costs three mana,
so Perplex can go find it. That narrows it to Stinkweed
Imp and Necroplasm. Necroplasm’s great, but for your
deck I’d go with the Imp. It gives you a flying creature
that can deal with Kokusho and keep coming back. But
I’ll only add one, since your four Perplexes effectively
act as copies of it if necessary.
So, what have I done so far?
-3 Rewind
-3 Hideous Laughter
+1 Mana Leak
+1 Perplex
+1 Last Gasp
+2 Ribbons of Night
+2 Junktroller
+1 Stinkweed Imp
I added two more cards than I put in. Well, what can we
drop? Well, I think the best way is to drop Lore Broker
altogether, and add one more copy of Dimir Guildmage.
Yes, Dimir Guildmage needs a bit of mana to be good, but
he doesn’t make you discard when you draw, and he
doesn’t give your opponent cards. Thought Courier is
nice, but Lore Broker and Thought Courier in the same
deck is a bit much. So, the final resulting decklist
looks like:
3 Dimir Doppelganger
3 Royal Assassin
4 Dimir Guildmage
3 Thought Courier
2 Junktroller
1 Stinkweed Imp
3 Mindleech Mass
Other spells:
4 Mana Leak
4 Perplex
3 Blackmail
2 Ribbons of Night
4 Last Gasp
3 Rend Flesh
11 Swamp
10 Island
Of course, it’s your deck, and if you disagree with me,
that’s your right. Just to get you thinking, here are
some other cards I wanted to put in and didn’t have room
Compulsive Research
Hunted Phantasm
Spawnbroker(combo with Last Gasp)
Hissing Miasma
Underground River
Dimir Signet
Dimir Infiltrator
That should be plenty to think about for now. It is for
me anyway. Best of luck to you, Dusan!
else who would like my help with their deck can
reach me at
Thank you, BMoor