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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Mono Blue Extended Wizards

hey, Im playing a tourney pretty soon and it's extended so i decided on a
basic blue wizard build, it seems pretty good, mana speed is good and so is crowd control but itd help if u had any suggestions, im kind of on a budget right now of about 15$ so ya... here it is


2x Arcanis the Omnipotent
2x Temporal Adept
1x Gempalm Sorcerer
4x Echo Tracer
1x Cephalid Constable

1x Raven Guild Master
2x Puppeteer

2x Psychic Trance
2x TwinCast
2x Rewind
4x Repeal
3x Boomerang
2x Remove Soul
3x Plagiarize

2x Dream Leash
2x Costal Piracy
1x Spellbook
1x Extraplanar Lens

4x Lonely Sandbar
1x Riptide Laboratory
18x Island

TOTAL - 60

any recommendations would realllllly help, THANKS!!


Okay, well, the first thing I notice is that you seem to be relying heavily on your Wizards dealing combat damage to the opponent. If that's the case, I suggest your Cephalid Constable become a Minamo Sightbender or Soratami Mirror-Guard. The Spellbook and Extraplanar Lens can probably go, in favor of more Gempalm Sorcerers. Repeal is strictly worse than Boomerang, so drop it for a 4th Boomerang, and three Soratami Savant, one of the best Wizards to come out of Kamigawa next to Azami, Lady of Scrolls. Speaking of which, Plagarize is a pretty poor spell, so try taking it out and adding a copy of Azami, along with two Prodigal Sorcerer, which are legal in Extended. Never underestimate the power of a pinger. Of course, you said you were on a budget, so Azami and Prodigal Sorcerer may be difficult to get. There's really no substitute for Tim, but Azami works as well as Riptide Director, or Arcanis (which you alreadt have enough copies of). Other than that, this deck should work fairly well. Good luck with that tournament!

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