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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Gruul/Aggro Deck


Hi im a reader of ur articals on pojo and i was wondering if u could help my type 2 gruul/aggro deck. Its for FNM and i was wondering if u could fix it up a bit? heres the deck list, thanks


4-rumbling slum

2-ulasht the hate seed
2-gruul guildmage
2-giant solifuge
2-viashino fangtail
1-skarrgan pit-skulk
1-wild cantor
1-gruul scrapper
1-tree-burning shaman
1-scab-clan mauler
1-silklash spider
1-feral animist
1-ghor-clan bloodscale

2-savage twister
2-wreak havoc
2-gruul war plow
2-gruul signet
1-primeval light

2-stomping ground
1-skarrg the rage pits
1-gruul turf

1-hammerfist giant
1-skarrgan fire bird
1-blood moon
1-gruul guildmage
1-skarrgan skybreaker
1-bloodfire colossus
1-wreak havoc
1-predatory focus
2-primeval light
2-savage twister

thanks again, andrew

Well, you've definitely got a solid foundation here, but I'm noticing some cards at cross-purposes to one another. Burning-Tree Shaman, for example, will punish you for using the abilities of Ulasht, Gruul Guildmage, and quite a few others. Not to mention some sub-par cards like Ghor-Clan Bloodscale. Obviously that will be the first to go.

Next, you have an awful lot of single copies. Scab-Clan Mauler, Gristleback, Gruul Scrapper, and Feral Animist can all go. My initial idea was to remove all but the most powerful of your activated abilities to maximize Burning-Tree Shaman's effectiveness, but then I realized you've only got one Shaman. I'll leave the single Shaman in since it's a good card and you don't want too many of him, but he really is at his best when you can draw him early in the game. Which is why I recommend replacing the two Gruul Guildmage with more Burning-Tree Shaman.
Next, replace Skarrgan Pit-Skulk with another Wild Cantor. As much as I like the Pit-Skulk, I'd say this deck needs mana more than it needs a 1/1 with a maginally useful evasion ability. Besides, it counts for two +1/+1 counters on Ulasht.

Speaking of Ulasht, his stock just went down with the inclusion of more Shamans, but he can still be a big body even if you don't want to use his ability, and the War Plow does give him Trample, so definitely keep one copy, but replace the other with another Giant Solifuge. In the case of Legendary cards that are fun but nonessential, I can support using only one copy of a card-- if you don't draw it, okay; if you do draw it, you don't want to draw a second. Giant Solifuge, Ulasht, and Rumbling Slum form sort of a triad of Gruul creatures with converted mana costs of four. You've already got four Slums, so another Solifuge it is.

One last thing I want to say, is that another Silklash Spider would be excellent in this deck. Not exactly sure what you'd take out, but it would be a great help, especially if you're facing a lot of fliers.

Good luck smashing your opponents into dust!
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