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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Stuart's Enchantress Deck

Okay, so basically this is a deck that needs thinning. I lost the original decklist that I created, but I know the basic goal of the deck, and I can't figure out what to do next. The basic goal of the deck is to play as many pacisifism like spells and stall until I can get a huge Yavimaya enchantress into play, and beatdown for the win. Most of the time I find my deck is too slow against other decks, so I need some help with where to go.

This may be difficult but I will really appreciate the help.

Thank you

1 Llanowar Elves G
2 Cowed By Wisdom W
2 Boros Recruit R/W
1 Fists of Ironwood 1G
1 Farseek 1G
2 Sakura-Tribe Elder 1G
1 Peel from Reality 1U
2 Pacifism 1W
3 Suppression Field 1W
4 Selesnya Guildmage G/W G/W
1 Naturalize 1G
1 Remand 1U
1 Muddle the Mixture UU
1 Compulsive Research 2U
1 Infiltrator's Magemark 2U
1 Hunted Phantasm 1UU
4 Yavimaya Enchantress 2G
2 Boros Fury-Shield 1RW
4 Honden of Cleansing Fire 3W
2 Ivory Mask 2WW
2 Faith's Fetters 3W
1 Naturalize 1G
1 Mimeofacture 3U
1 Aven Windreader 3UU
4 Dowsing Shaman 4G
1 Dromad Purebread 4W
1 Divebomber Griffin 3WW
1 Wurmweaver Coil 4GG
1 Hour of Reckoning 4WWW

So could you tell me what cards to add and maybe what cards to cut, and if you are willing the land spread.
Also, I would like to keep this as budget oriented as possible with maybe a few budget (if possible) rares.



Well, I think I see why your deck is as slow as it is, Stuart. Your cardpool seems to be all over the map, with three (possibly four) colors. The first thing I had to do was go through your whole decklist, one card at a time, and type out the mana cost of each card to give me an idea of what sort of mana base you were running. From this I determined that you probably have difficulty getting the right colors of mana when you need them, which will slow down a deck considerably. Since your deck is based around Yavimaya Enchantress and white stalling enchantments, your best bet is to stick with White and Green. So out come all the cards that require other colors—


1 Remand
1 Muddle the Mixture
1 Compulsive Research
1 Infiltrator's Magemark
1 Hunted Phantasm
1 Peel From Reality
1 Mimeofacture
1 Aven Windreader
2 Boros Recruit
2 Boros Fury-Shield

Technically the Boros cards could stay, but the Fury Shield without red mana is lackluster at best and the Recruit in a deck without red mana is strictly worse that Tundra Wolves. And I don’t even think you have any use for Tundra Wolves in this deck.
Now, let’s go through and see if there’s anything else that just isn’t good enough or doesn’t support your Enchantment strategy. Dromad Purebred and Divebomber Griffin leave a lot to be desired. Also, you’ve got 4 Honden of Cleansing Fire. Since they’re legendary, you can only have one in play at a time. Four in the deck is a bit much for a legendary, so drop two of them I’d say. And the Hour of Reckoning is only at its best when you’ve got plenty of cards dedicated to producing tokens. Which brings us to the next point: you have Selesnya Guildmage and Suppresion Field in the same deck. Suppresion Field makes Selesnya Guildmage’s abilities cost 5G and 5W, respectively. I’d say you should drop one of them. Actually, since the card count is still around 30, and we haven’t even added lands yet, I’d say drop both.

1 Dromad Purebred
1 Divebomber Griffin
2 Honden of Cleansing Fire
1 Hour of Reckoning
3 Suppresion Field
4 Selesnya Guildmage

Now, what to add? Well, first of all, change that Farseek and Llanowar Elves to two more Sakura-Tribe Elder. Normally I don’t take Llanowar Elves out of “slow” decks, but in this case I think the Elder may be more useful. Next, add two Honden of Life’s Web to go with the Honden of Cleansing Fire. And three Ghostly Prison to hold off attackers. Since your deck relies on one huge Enchantress for the win, and I took out Infiltrator’s Magemark, we can add three more copies of Fists of Ironwood. I wanted to add Auratouched Mage and Three Dreams, but after a second look at your decklist, most of your Auras are meant to enchant your opponent’s creatures, not yours. So we’ll forego that for now. The last thing I want to add is two copies of Priveleged Position, for extra defense for all your permanents.


1 Farseek
1 Llanowar Elves

2 Sakura-Tribe Elder
2 Honden of Life’s Web
3 Ghostly Prison
3 Fists of Ironwood
2 Privileged Position

That brings us to 36 cards. Now for the mana base: 4 Selesnya Signets, 4 Selesnya Sanctuary, 8 Forest, and 8 Plains. Which completes the 60-card deck as follows:

2 Cowed By Wisdom
4 Fists of Ironwood
4 Sakura-Tribe Elder
2 Pacifism
2 Naturalize
4 Yavimaya Enchantress
2 Honden of Cleansing Fire
2 Ivory Mask
2 Faith's Fetters
4 Dowsing Shaman
1 Wurmweaver Coil
2 Honden of Life’s Web
3 Ghostly Prison
2 Priveleged Position
4 Selesnya Signet
4 Selesnya Sanctuary
8 Forest
8 Plains

This deck should have a much smoother mana base than the one before, have much more regular draws, and be able to get an extra mana by at least turn 5 thanks to the Sakura-Tribe Elders and the Signets. Twenty-two cards in this deck are enchantments, so when the Enchantress shows up, she’ll likely be enormous. Fists of Ironwood will then be able to give her Trample, so she can barrel across for the win.

Good luck, and enjoy yourself!
~BMoor bemore4096@yahoo.com


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