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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage

Hello sir I have a deck that I play in my metagame that is a casual deck. We play tournaments every Saturday and are allowed to play as many copies of ANY card as we want except for strip mine. I built this deck first as G/W then switch to R/W now I have made it B/W. I feel that I like the black version better. Some help with other suggestions to the deck would be appreciated! Thank you here it is.


2x Angel of Despair
3x Orzhov Guildmage
4x Souls of the Faultless


3x Wrath of God
4x Swords to Plowshares
4x Mortify
2x Kismet
3x Static orb
4x Icy Manipulator


4x Orzhov Signet
3x Debtor’s Knell


4x Swamps
5x Plains
4x Godless Shrine
4x Blinkmoth Well
3x Orzhov Basilica
3x Blinkmoth Nexus
1x Orzhova, the Church of Deals

Again thanks for your help!!!!!!

David Martin

Everything looks fine so far, but there are a few changes you could make.  First of all, those Static Orbs would probably be better off as Loxodon Gatekeepers, acting as Kismet on legs.  This will benefit you because Static Orb stops everyone from untapping while Kismet and the Gatekeeper only hurt your opponent.  If you think you don’t need to untap anything, then by all means leave the Orbs in, but think you’re better off this way.  You really need 4 Blinkmoth Well, so change one of them to a Nexus.  And you may want to put in an Agent of Masks or two, or Pillory of the Sleepless, though I don’t know what you’d take out to make room for them.  After all is said and done....


2x Angel of Despair
3x Orzhov Guildmage
4x Souls of the Faultless


3x Wrath of God
4x Swords to Plowshares
4x Mortify
2x Kismet
3x Loxodon Gatekeeper
4x Icy Manipulator


4x Orzhov Signet
3x Debtor’s Knell


4x Swamps
5x Plains
4x Godless Shrine
4x Blinkmoth Nexus
3x Orzhov Basilica
3x Blinkmoth Well
1x Orzhova, the Church of Deals

If you decide to leave the Static Orbs in, then maybe a few creatures with Vigilance wouldn’t be a bad idea.  Otherwise, the decklist was already very focused, requiring only subtle changes on my part.  Good luck! 

~BMoor                                                           bemore4096@yahoo.com



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