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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Dimir mill deck


"I have been playing Magic since about 1996. I only played casual until about a year ago, when a friend of mine invited me to a tournament. Little did I know it would change how I played the game forever. I used to strive for those colossal creatures with painful casting costs just because they were cool. My wake-up call came when I entered this tournament and lost my first game to a deck using mesmiric orb and millstones. I couldn't believe it. My defeat brought me to an epiphany: milling is a viable strategy! You can possibly imagine my joy when the Dimir appeared. Since then, my limited budget has afforded me this deck...if you want to call it that. When played it works out about 30% of the time. Here it is.
1 Duskmantle, House of Shadow
1 Watery Grave (I know I need more)
2 Dimir Aqueduct
1 Mikokoro, Center of the Sea
8 Island
8 Swamp
1 Phantom Warrior (looking for something to drop him for)
1 Dimir Doppleganger
1 Szadek, Lord of Secrets
1 Circu, Dimir Lobotomist
1 Belltower Sphinx
1 Throat Slitter
1 Patron of the Nezumi
1 Ravenous Rats
1 Okiba-Gang Shinobi
1 Mindleech Mass
2 Hand of Cruelty
2 Stinkweed Imp
2 Induce Paranoia
2 Millstone
1 Eradicate
1 Dark Banishing
1 Last Gasp
2 Ribbons of Night
1 Perplex
1 Mana Leak
1 Honden of Night's Reach
1 Glimpse the Unthinkable (you know how hard these are to get on a limited budget)
1 Remand
1 Choice of Damnations
1 Demon's Horn
1 Neko-Te
2 Psychic Drain
1 Cranial Extraction
1 Jester's Cap
1 Reminisce
1 Dampen Thought
1 Mimeofacture
1 Quash
(My sideboard was just throw together)
1 Persecute
1 Ravenous Rats
1 Drift of Phantasms
1 Okiba-Gang Shinobi
1 Junktroller
1 Sins of the Past
1 Infiltrator's Magemark
1 Aetherplasm
1 Dimir House Guard
1 Consult the Necrosages
1 Hissing Miasma
1 Kami of the Crescent Moon
1 Tidewater Minion
1 Neverending Torment
1 Keening Banshee
Now, as you can see, I am a very confused deck builder. If someone else builds it, I can play it. Even better, if someone else helps me build it, I can love it. Please, any help for me would be appreciated. I love milling but I also love to keep my nasty little Patron of the Nezumi affordable for mill-kill. It's not much to work with, but it is a start.
Joshua M. Knutson
"Very confused deck builder" is right; it's not easy to see what's going on in this mishmash of single copies, but there do appear to be several strategies available.  Milling, Discard, Countering, Copy/Stealing Opponents' Cards, Ninjas, and Rats are all represented here, but you said you wanted a milling deck, so that's what we'll stick to.  You also said you wanted to keep Patron of the Nezumi, so we can make that happen too, and that'll probably predispose us towards leaving in a few choice Rats.
The first thing we need to do is take care of all these single copies, and the most efficient way to do that is to pull out all but the best cards to make room for more copies of what's left.  So what can you do without?
1 Phantom Warrior (you said yourself you wanted to drop it)
1 Throat Slitter (if you got through unblocked, what do they have worth destroying?)
1 Ravenous Rats (good, but we can do better)
1 Okiba-Gang Shinobi (ninjutsu's nice once, but what then?)
1 Mindleech Mass (Szadek and the Patron satisfies our "big creature" quota)
2 Hand of Cruelty (powerful, but doesn't fit the strategy)
1 Perplex (1UB is a tricky casting cost for a counter)
1 Choice of Damnations (letting your opponent make decisions is a bad idea)
1 Demon's Horn (just not important enough)
1 Neko-Te (it's so out of place)
1 Quash (four mana and it can't even counter everything?  no thank you)
So, what does that leave us with?
1 Dimir Doppleganger
1 Szadek, Lord of Secrets
1 Circu, Dimir Lobotomist
1 Belltower Sphinx
1 Patron of the Nezumi
2 Stinkweed Imp
2 Induce Paranoia
2 Millstone
1 Eradicate
1 Dark Banishing
1 Last Gasp
2 Ribbons of Night
1 Mana Leak
1 Honden of Night's Reach
1 Glimpse the Unthinkable (you know how hard these are to get on a limited budget)
1 Remand
2 Psychic Drain
1 Cranial Extraction
1 Jester's Cap
1 Reminisce
1 Dampen Thought
1 Mimeofacture
(we'll do the lands later)
That actually left in more cards than I'd hoped.  I thought about dropping Mimeofacture and Dimir Doppelganger because they don't work with your strategy, but they are very good cards, and they can both destroy Legendary creatures.  Plus, Mimeofacture sort of helps mill your opponent.  Cranial Extraction can be kind of tricky if you don't know what your opponent has, but more importantly it reeks of expensive, cutthroat tournament strategies.  Then again, there's a reason for that.  It's insanely powerful if you know what you're doing.  Dampen thought is a pretty powerful milling vehicle, IF you have enough copies and lots of Arcane spells to Splice them on.  Since you don't drop the Dampen.  And as for your counters, Remand is too temporary and Induce Paranoia requires you leave a lot of mana open.  I'd say replace all of them with more Mana Leak, giving you 4 of them.  And as for your creature-killing spells, Last Gasp can be potent, but in this case I'm going to recommend cutting it and Dark Banishing in favor of two more Eradicate, for that extra library destruction.  Though you could add in a few Last Gasp on top of that to be on the safe side; it's a real good removal card and tough creatures are gonna be, well, tough for you to deal with.
Speaking of your opponents' offense, you'll definitely want three more Belltower Sphinx.  With one of these guys out, either your opponent gets milled fairly quickly, or he stops attacking.  And speaking of milling creatures that can hold off attackers as well, four Vedalken Entrancer are also in order.  These Millstones-with-legs have formed the backbone of many Dimir milling decks, especially in Limited.  Next, please try to get those other three Glimpse the Unthinkable.  I know they're expensive, but then again, so are Cranial Extraction, Dimir Doppelganger, and Mimeofacture.  If you wanted to drop them, you could trade them to a card shop or the Pojo message boards for those three Glimpses. I suppose a few more Jester's Caps would be nice too, but I believe those are also expensive.  You should also put in a few Dimir Signet, to help make sure you can actually play these cards and don't get manascrewed or roll over against a fast weenie rush.  And some Twincast would help as utility cards, letting you snake your opponent's cards as well as get extra mileage out of your own.  Oh, and add a Honden of Seeing Winds to compliment the Honden of Night's Reach there.  Also, I just remembered I said I'd give you a Rat or two to Offer to the Patron.  So add in four copies of Gnat Miser- he gives you something to play on Turn One, and if you manage to do so, then your opponent will have to play something quick.  Plus, it sort of helps with the discard theme, by hurting players who play cards like Tidings or Howling Mine.


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