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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Micheal's Killer Deck

June 13, 2006

Hi it's me michael again, thanks for the help on the blue/green! I have my second favorite deck to play here, i've only got a few decks and I was trying to improve them all.


 I played a lot of direct damage low budget cards, and a bit of land destruction, But I figured... Why not mix them together.


As far as destroying land almost every turn and getting out little blockers while staying behind your ping shields and casting instant burns, I think it's a nice little deck. But theres a few problems, its NOT little. It's got too many cards in my opinion, and I know there can be a lot of improvements made, so that's why I've come to you for assistance. I've seen you work your magic on decks, and I hope you can help mine out a bit.


Pillage Your Village Deck:



32 Mountains



Ridgeline Rager x4

Mountain Goat x4

Goretusk Firebeast x4

Lacolith Whelp x2

Wall of Lava x1

Raging Goblin x1



Lava Axe x4

Lava Burst x4

Stone Rain x4

Molten Rain x4

Spitting Earth x4

Rain of Rust x3

Uncontrolled Infestation x3

Earth Rift x2

Lava Flow x2

Lightning Blast x2

Volcanic Hammer x2

Turf Wound x2

Smash x2

Seal Of Fire x2

Shock x1

Fiery Temper x1

Stonehands x1

Lay Waste x1

Incinerate x1

Blaze x1


(I was thinking about adding in some seething song cards in there, and platinum angel)



I'm not on a tight budget so I can pretty much get most cards i'd need to build any deck. The point of this deck is to bring out little blockers on the first turn, and build mana. I can cast small burns while I wait for enough mana to start destroying land. This deck is not only to destroy their land, but if they somehow manage to get a creature out, destroy that too! With ridgeline ragers, They may seem weak, But I tend to use those often, If the opponent has no creatures to block, sometimes it's better to pump up and attack rather than to cast a burn. The Firebeasts are just to add a little spice if they aren't dead yet on the 6th turn. I'm just trying to make this deck not only fast, but COMPLETELY dominating.


I'm not sure if this is a type 1 or 2 or what, I'm not sure what that means or what sideboard is, but I listed the cards and you're free to make any suggestions. Any suggestions would be appreciated, whether it be taking every card out and starting from scratch or anything, I just want this deck improved and smaller.


What I'd like to achieve: (A deck that can destroy land quickly and completely dominate the enemy, Extremely Quick damage/mana, Maybe HIGHER damage cards, Lots of Burn spells)


Thank you for your time and I hope you can contact me when you get a chance.




Okay, first of all, your deck has too many cards.  You admit this yourself.  The closer you can get down to 60 cards, the better your odds of drawing any one specific card.  So I’ll get it down to as close to 60 cards as I think it needs to be.  I’ll start by pulling out some sub-par cards: Rain of Rust is just too expensive considering you’ve already got some Smash and plenty of land destruction.  Turf Wound just doesn’t do enough (your opponent can still play the land next turn instead of losing it for good).  Goretusk Firebeast costs too much mana, however spicy he may be.  Wall of Lava, Mountain Goat, and Raging Goblin aren’t enough damage.  If they were supposed to be the early blockers you mentioned, don’t worry; I know some better ones.  Stonehands is just too defensive and too slow.  Lay Waste and Fiery Temper are nice, but you’ve already got enough cards that do the same things, only better.  Uncontrolled Infestation only works on nonbasic lands; if your opponent doesn’t have any or if she can destroy the enchantment before tapping the land, it’s a dead card. Spitting Earth can’t hit players; ideally every burn card in your deck should be able to hit your opponent’s face once his creatures have been dispatched, or before his creatures can matter.  And I can think of something better than Incinerate, Laccolith Whelp, Lightning Blast, and Earth Rift


Okay, that’s thirty-two cards down.  But I’m about to suggest some new ones, so hold on.  You said you wanted early blockers, so look into Torpid Moloch, Goblin Cohort, or Cinder Wall.  I cut out 12 creatures, so I’ll add two copies of each of these cards and you can decide for yourself which ones of them you like best.  I also dropped Rain of Rust among others because Demolish is just plain better, and less expensive.  A quick damage deck needs its cards to be able to come down early.  Try 3 Demolish.  Also try two copies of  Seismic Spike, which gives you back some mana for more burn.  Goretusk Firebeast pales in comparison to Flametongue Kavu, two copies of him should be nice.  You shouldn’t need Stonehands in the same deck as Ridgeline Rager, but one enchantment the Rager loves to wear is Galvanic Arc.  Three copies of that’ll be good.  And as far as cheap, quick burn goes, there are plenty of options.  Shock and Volcanic Hammer are the right track, Lava Axe not so much.  Replace the Lava Axe with two more each of them.  Try Lava Spike as well, two copies should be enough.  And replace Seal of Fire with Pyrite Spellbomb; it costs a mana to sacrifice, but it can also draw you a card and it can burn creatures with Protection from Red.


Okay, I added 16 cards after removing thirty-two, plus replaced some more, and the cards I suggested were on average cheaper than the ones removed, so you can pull some lands now too.  You’ve got 42 spells left, and it looks like the majority of your spells cost three, so 21 mountains ought to be enough.  That streamlines your deck quite nicely if I do say so myself.


Basically this deck wants to spend the first two turns either lowering the opponent’s life total or making cheap efficient blockers, then playing a land destruction spell on turn three.  From there on just continue the assault on your opponent’s lands and life total; hopefully you won’t need to bother burning creatures, since they’ll never get out enough mana to play a creature big enough to deal with your blockers and live.  Try this out, and of course let me know how it works out.


Also, you asked about “Type 1 and Type 2”, and sideboards.  These are things that apply to DCI-sanctioned tournaments and how they work; I get the feeling that you’re just playing with your friends on the kitchen table or whatever, and so these things wouldn’t affect you.  But just so you know, “Type 2” means all the cards in your deck are from the two most recent expansion blocks or the most recent core set.  “Type 1” is more inclusive, but I’m not sure how much more.  And a “sideboard” is a group of cards that people can add to their decks between matches in order to be better prepared against a specific opponent.


I hope this has helped.  I can tell you I certainly enjoyed doing it, and even got some ideas for a deck I’m building!  I would like to ask you something of you though: I’m assuming you E-mailed me because you saw my articles on Pojo.com.  Well, I’d like your permission to submit your E-mails along with my replies to Pojo so others can read them and learn from them.  Plus, if the Pojo staff likes my ideas, they may make me a deck mechanic ;)

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