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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Mono Blue Land Equilibirum

August 29, 2006

Many of you may remember an article of mine in Magic Yammers, from before I became a deck mechanic.  In it, I discussed basic principles of building a deck around a card.  That article is probably how I got the position of official Pojo deck mechanic in the first place, and today I get to do a repeat performance of sorts as I fix a deck built around the card Land Equilibrium.
The first time i saw the card Land Equilibrium, i knew i had to make a deck out of it. It just looked like it would be quite interesting and not incredibly difficult to build. I was dead wrong. This has been the single most challenging deck to make work properly. For a while i fooled around with it being multicolored for land destruction and wraths, however, that made the deck incredibly unreliable. In its current form the deck is mono blue and filled with draw and bounce to get my pieces out and deal with troublesome permanents. The finisher is Meloku. There are a few cards i would like to see stay. Obviously Land Equilibrium, the Ghost Quarters (unless of couse you have a better card for the slot), and the Melokus.
3 - Meloku, The Clouded Mirror
Other Spells
4 - Land Equilibrium
4 - Compulsive Research
4 - Gilded Lotus (useful when the deck was multicolored, i just dont know what to replace this with)
2 - Trade Secrets
4 - Sensei's Divining Top
4 - Eye of Nowhere
2 - Trade Routes
4 - Boomerang
2 - Evacuation
2 - Parallel Thoughts
4 - Sleight of Hand
13 - Island
4 -   Lotus Vale
4 -   Ghost Quarter
3 - Acid Rain
2 - Chalice of the Void
4 - Psychic Purge (i have won games on the back of this card, however, its relegated to sideboard because without my opponent playing discard it doesn't do enough)
2 - Evacuation
4 - Aether Storm
This deck is supposed to use Land Equilibrium to hold down my opponents by not allowing them to keep more lands in play than i have. The Lotus Vales are there to help keep my land count down without hurting my available mana. The Ghost Quarters work incredibly well with Land Equilibrium, however it could also help them if they are missing a land type they need. The deck tends to be very slow and because of that it has trouble with almost every type of deck ive played it against. The decks it tends to have the most trouble against is anything that hits fast (goblins, burn) or doesnt require much mana (little green men). Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated.
I actually had to go look up what Land Equilibrium did to figure out how to build around it.  And once I had, I realized that this deck is already built fairly well.  Once Land Equilibrium comes down, the last thing you want to do is play lands.  This deck already has ways to reduce it's need to do so: Lotus Vale keeps the land count down nicely, Trade Routes and Compulsive Research can discard lands for cards you can actually use, while Boomerang and Eye of Nowhere finish the land denial job.  Even Meloku, the Clouded Mirror, has synergy with it to a degree, returning lands to your hand.  Just one thing though-- Land Equilibrium triggers on new lands played.  If you return lands to your hand, then your opponent can't play more lands but gets to keep whatever he already had, while you're setting yourself back more.  I think we can tone down the "return land to your hand" aspect of this deck, as well as reduce the mana curve seeing as how this deck wants to play mana-light.
First thing's first, though-- by your own admittance, Gilded Lotus needs to come out.  Frankly, the idea of artifact mana in this deck is pure gold, but using this gold-plated lotus isn't the best execution of the idea.  The only trouble is, there's a serious glut of artifact mana sources out there.  How do you pick the right one?  Well, let's decide what it is we're looking for in a mana source.  It has to cost less than 5 mana for one.  It should be able to produce Blue mana, though that's not essential.  It'd be nice if it weren't a dead draw when you have enough mana also.  Time to brainstorm up a replacement!  Let's see, there's Silver Myr, Darksteel Ingot, Spectral Searchlight, Star Compass, Fellwar Stone, Guardian Idol, Ur-Golem's Eye, and that's just for starters.  Silver Myr seems like one of the best, since it can double as win condition, but as a 1/1 it's vulnerable to an awful lot.  Fellwar Stone might not be too succesful in a land denial deck, and Ur-Golem's Eye is too expensive as well.  Star Compass is probably the best of this group, but if you're willing to be patient, there's better options on the way.  Time Spiral previews have shown us Chronatog Totem, an artifact that taps for blue mana and can become a Chronatog if you need an attacker.  And we also know that Mind Stone will be in Tenth Edition, but that's not for another year.  Any such bauble or talisman will fill the bill nicely.

Next order of business- your other spells.  I'm not sure what Parallel Thoughts is supposed to do for you, so it can come out.  Trade Secrets is unnecessary as well; Compulsive Research should give you all the land-into-spell card circulation you need.  And Trade Secrets can also go-- with so few land on the table, what do you need all those cards in hand for?  We'll replace these cards for cards that don't fill your hand so much as filter through your deck to find the cards you need.  It might also be advantageous to spend these slots on cards that you might actually want to dig for instead of just use to dig further.  The first card that comes to mind is Serum Visions, replacing itself plus the Scry 2 to get you closer to the cards you need.  Then there's AEther Spellbomb, which can draw a card or act as another Boomerang, with the option to pay half the mana in advance.  Or here's a card you could put to good use: Tanglebloom.  Not the most impressive card, but the extra little life pad can build up over a while and help you outlast decks with early aggression.  Or, getting back to the card draw problem, you could try a few copies of Kami of the Crescent Moon to increase your card flow while clogging up your opponent's hand with more lands and spells he can't play, plus the 1/3 body to block with.  Or if it's blockers you're looking for, there's a good option in Shape Stealer.  Shape Stealer can usually kill any creature that attacks into it, so having one untapped will often force larger creatures not to attack unless the attacker has a swarm of them.
Wow, I'm a regular fountain of ideas today, aren't I?  Must be all the blue mana floating around.  I better float the mana from this article to help me cast my next one-- I've given you all plenty to think about for one deck anyway.  Good luck and keep your balance!
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