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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Sek'Kuar deck

Sept 18, 2

When I attended the Coldsnap prerelease, I was fortunate enough to open a Sek'Kuar, Deathkeeper in one of the packs I won.  I immediately noticed the synergy with Lyzolda, the Blood Witch and Savra, Queen of the Golgari.  So did this nameless correspondent, but it appears the total deck list could use a little work...
When I opened up my first pack of coldsnap, I pulled MR. Sek'Kuar, Deathkeeper. I looked at it and knew right away he could be good. I then began to attempt to create a deck based on his affect to sacrifice my own creatures for an affect while using his affect to get back replacement soldiers, then repeat. I could also sweep the board and still have creatures while my opponent has none. This is what I came up with:
Lands : 24
2x Highland weald
3x forest
7x mountains
12x swamp
Creatures: 23
2x golgari thug
3x civic wayfinder
4x gutless ghoul
2x stinkweed imp
2x orcish bloodpainter
2x keening banshee
1x lyzolda, the blood witch
1x savra, queen of the golgari
2x deepfire elemental
2x sek'kuar, deathkeeper
1x rakdos the defiler
1x phyrexian soulgorger
spells: 13x
4x feast of flesh
3x grim harvest
2x savage twister
4x coldsteel heart
I want to keep this type two. I am on a budget, therefore I cannot afford to buy dual lands and other really expensive stuff. I play at a local store where three people play aggressive b/w decks. they always seem to win because there decks are so fast and deal about 10 damage in the first few turns. I added the feast of flesh to help against early threats and for life gains and they have worked pretty well. I think i just need some speed with creatures and some solid ones to sacrifice. I was also considering nantuko hust as another sacrifice outlet and as a big finisher. I don't really need to keep all of the cards in here, except for sek'kuar, of course. Rakdos himself has been decent, but since i lose half of my permanents when he attacks, I cannot use my new graveborn tokens to attack, so i think he could be the first to go. aNyways, thanks in advance...
I've had this E-mail in my box for a while as I dealt with the decks I received before it, and I can tell you I've looked forward to this fix.  This ought to be fun.  And so ought the deck itself when played.  First of all, the deck is centered around Sek'Kuar.  Therefore, as centerpiece of the deck, we need four copies.  Savra and Lyzolda can come up to two copies each as well.  A few Time of Need to get the correct Legend for the situation should come in too, but since Kamigawa will rotate out soon, you may be reuctant to add those.
Now, your creature choices are all centered around the idea of having lots of ways to sacrifice them.  But remember, while Sek'Kuar doesn't care what dies or how, Savra and Lyzolda are more picky.  So, let's aim for multicolor creatures.  Gutless Ghoul, Orcish Bloodpainter, Phyrexian Soulgorger, and Rakdos himself can come out in favor of a playset of Shambling Shell.  Just look at the Shell.  Wouldn't it be so helpful in a deck like this?  Yes it would.  And with the other four slots I opened up, let's try four of either Wild Cantor, Gruul Guildmage, Scab-Clan Mauler, or Golgari Guildmage.  They all have their strong points-- the Cantor has a sack ability and only costs one mana, the Mauler is a perfect target to accumulate +1/+1 counters from the Shells we just added, and the Guildmages are just always good, aren't they?  But especially here, since Mr. Gruul can protect your Sek'Kuar from Volcanic Hammers and the like, and Golgari Guy can sacrifice Graveborns to bring back the creatures that died to create the Graveborns. It doesn't have to sacrifice the Graveborns of course, but it's convenient that Sek"kuar supplies each creature with a sacrifice for Golgari Guildmage to bring it back.
Now, your main complaint is that your play environment is too fast and your opponents can deal a lot of damage quickly.  Feast of Flesh has helped you in that respect by eliminating early threats, and by gaining you a bit of life.  I suspect that a little life gain to stem the damage rush, or some early card drawing to speed you up, or an early defense might help you greatly.  The Guildmages I mentioned aand Wild Cantor would help, as they're early creatures and the Cantor can accelerate your mana a bit.  Sakura-Tribe Elder does a better job of this, but again, its days in Standard are numbered.  You might also benefit from replacing Savage Twister with Pyroclasm-- yes, the Twister is more effective later, but Pyroclasm is half the cost for the same effect, making it the perfect tool for answering an early squad of small beaters.
Also, Coldsteel Heart's coming into play tapped isn't doing you any favors.  Surely we can find you a better mana rock than that.  Can't we?  The ideal trinket for the situation would be Star Compass, but that isn't Standard anymore.  Fellwar Stone looks good, but there's no guarantee it will tap for a color you can use.  Spectral Searchlight does a good job, but it costs three mana and so is no faster than Coldsteel Heart.  I guess it's that or a Signet, if you can decide which one you want.
I guess that's just about all there is to do here.  Once the kinks get worked out, this deck ought to work really well, or at least be really fun to use.  Good luck to you, and may the Graveborn come to you in droves!

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