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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Surely you Jest!

Sept 22, 2006

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Open M(ag)ic Night here in BMoor's Garage.  We've got some great acts lined up for you tonight, so please, direct your attention to the center lift where we're proud to welcome back the comedic stylings of Sean, from NY!
*giggles insanely* Oh, sorry, Sean from NY here, just feeling a little 'funny' lately, what with my latest deck being so insanely hilarious.  I recently got a hold of a set of Jester's Scepter's and after going through my cards found I had a few of it's relatives in my collection, the most humourous artifacts EVER, Jester's Mask and Jester's Cap.  I realized that in a control deck I could force my  audience...err..oppenent to do little else but watch as my comedy act...ahem..strategy unfolded! And of course I made it blue and white (mostly blue, I do so love a captive audience) in honor of the original cap wearing figure of old.  They would literally laugh themselves silly as my powerful props purposely plundered (say that 3 times fast) their hand and library.  Of course, will a routine this funny, I could expect them to stay sane, so the object of my deck is to make them giggle till their libraries empty.  Ok, *giggles again* here's a deck fit for a clown prince!

15 Creatures:
4  Steel Wall           1
4  Minamo Scrollkeeper  1U
4  Wall of Shards       1W
3  Wall of Spears       3

16 Non-creature Spells:
4  Mana Leak            1U
4  Counterspell         UU
4  Boomerang            UU
4  Eye of Nowhere       UU

12 Arifacts:
3  MIllstone            2
4  Jester's Scepter     3
3  Jester's Cap         4
2  Jester's Mask        5

17 Land:
10 Islands
7 Plains

That Scrollkeeper looks so serious, I bet he's just waiting to split into a grin, and the boomerang and eye of nowhere are as much to keep my opponents nastier creatures at bay as they are to let me reuse my scepter's, after all, something truly funny stands up to repetition, no??  It's current form is okay, but it's not leaving my opponents in stitches as well as I'd like, do you have any advice on how to really knock 'em dead? HAHAHAHAHA!!!
Sean, from NY ladies and gentlemen!  Let's give him a big hand!  After all, those Scrollkeepers will let him hold onto it!

Alright, alright, settle down.  Fixing Magic decks is easy; comedy is hard.  But Sean's right, it is easier when you've got a captive audience, so let's put in a few Ghostly Prison.  What can come out to make room?  That's the joke; I don't know.  Your extensive bounce is probably more important, and counterspells are always a cut-up.  But the key to comedy is timing, so drop the sorcery Eye of Nowhere for the Prisons.  We want instant-speed bounce to pull out the rug at just the right moment, so take out Wall of Spears in exchange for Temporal Adept, who can turn a one-liner into a running gag.
Now we've got a heavy commitment to Blue, but still are relying on White.  That's a sick joke to play on our mana base, so here's the trick-- instead of Ghostly Prison, use Cover of Winter and switch all the basic lands for snow lands.  Then get 4 Boreal Flats as the perfect dual land.  That makes for a better homage to ol' Jess, since he was a product of the Ice Age anyway.  You could also try some Hallowed Fountain or Azorius Chancery, but why spoil the fun with those rigid, party-pooping bureaucrats?  They wouldn't know a good joke if they requisitioned one; no way they'd let a comedy act into their Chanceries.  Though they might provide an adequate backdrop with their Dovescape-- after all, nobody likes a heckler, right?
Well, the first rule of good comedy is always leave them wanting more, so thank you very much, tip your waitresses, and good night!
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