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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Derek's Sliver deck

Sept 27, 2006

Ahh, the Dimir.  How I love my own Dimir deck at home, sitting in its case waiting for me to find an opponent.  And how I enjoy the flavor of the guild in general.  Which is fortunate, because I keep receiving Dimir decklists.
DIMIR ROCKS    ,Jeremy    
4 Frost Marsh    
4 Watery Grave    
2 Dimir Aquaduct
2 Duskmantle House of Shadows    
7 Island
7 Swamp
1 Tunnelvision    
4 Glimpe the Unthinkable    
2 Followed Footsteps
1 Dimir Machinations
1 Copy Enchantment    
4 Last Gasp    
1 Tramatize
2 Pychic Drain
3 Dimir Doppleganger
2 Circu Dimir Lobotomist     
1 Mindleech Mass
3 Grozoth    
1 Szadek Lord of Secrets
3 Dimir Cutpurse    
1 Moroi    
2 Beltower Sphinx    
3 Dimir Guildmage
1 Blood Letter Quill
3 Millstone
Well, Jeremy, looks like you've got the basics of the Dimir down pat-- you've given me absolutely no extra information whatsoever except that your name is Jeremy, you have this deck, and appently, Dimir rocks.  Though if I were Szadek, I'd chastise you for revealing your name and the existance of the Dimir.  I am not Szadek, however, and this is far less information to work with about a deck than I want to have.  i'll give it the ol' Pojosama try, though.
Dimir traditionally has three main routes to victory-- evasive beatdown with Fear and flyers, milling, and U/B control with creature removal, counterspells, and a win condition (Cerulean Sphinx serves this purpose admirably).  Your inclusion of cards like Duskmantle, Millstone, and Glimpse the Unthinkable make me believe you want milling as your strategy, as these cards are all but useless otherwise.  In that case, your creature base needs to aid that purpose by halting any incoming attack or having milling abilities.  Belltower Sphinx is perfect for this.  the others, not so much.  Moroii can win games, but may cost you too much life to do so.  Circu is on-theme but just sin't effective enough.  And what on Dominaria is Grozoth doing here?  What is Grozoth searching for besides more Grozoth?  Get the Leviathan out of there!
Add in some Vedalken Entrancers for more milling power, and some Drift of Phantasms for more defense.  I'm only letting Mindleech Mass stay on behalf of the Dimir Dopplegangers.  Szadek is a lock of course, and so are the Guildmages.  Bring their count up to four along with said Belltower Sphinxes.
Now for your noncreature spells.  The playset of Glimpse the Unthinkable and the Traumatize are what conviced me you want a milling deck, so they stay.  Dimir Machinations and Tunnel Vision can go, though.  As can Followed Footsteps; it's just too expensive and too slow.  Bloodletter Quill doesn't do anything Dimir Guildmage doesn't, excpet allow you to split the cost in half and pay the other half later for the price of a life point.  That's hardly worth it.  And Copy Enchantment now has nothing to copy.  In their stead, go with the standard suite of counterspells and black removal.  Mana Leak and Last Gasp pretty much speak for themselves, as someone in the business once said.  Also, Millstone should come up to four copies.
Finally your mana base........looks awesome, is the rest of that sentence.  Duskmantle's biggest drawback is that it can't produce colored mana in what is always at least a two-color deck.  You've got the dual lands to back that up, so you shouldn't have any problems.  Dimir Aquaduct and Frost Marsh are great too, but with 6 comes-into-play-tapped lands, you may find yourself misssing critical points on the mana curve.  That's what your defensive creatures are for-- to stave off faster opponents.  Honestly, the best card I could recommend right now is probably Phyrexian Walker or Steel Wall for their cheap defensive power, but neither is Standard legal, sadly.  Drift, Entrancer, and Sphinx will have to suffice.  Good luck!
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