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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Free Drinks

Sept 8, 2006

Before I begin today's tune-up, let me just make a quick PSA.  The subject line of this E-mail was "Free Drinks".  There are various E-spambots out there that send spam with randomly generated two-word subject lines, many of which could actually be something you'd want to read.  Please, in the future, make sure all E-mails to me at least have the word "deck" or "magic" or "Pojo" in the subject line.  Also, a word or two that describes your deck, like "beatdown" or "Spirit" or even just "blue", will greatly improve your odds of having your E-mail read and actively considered for a Pojo article.  Now then, down to business.  Or pleasure, as the case may be today...
Hey.  My name's Mark.  I've been playing for a few years and I'm an overall casual player so I really like Un-sets.  One card that caught my eye was Ashnod's Coupon when my friend won the local FNM and got it as a prize.  I thought "What if I make a deck in which I get like 10 free drinks a game." Then when Coldsnap came out I saw Arcum Daggson and thought that this would be a perfect opportunity to make that deck. So here it is:
4x Ashnod's Coupon
4x Arcum Daggson
4x Diabolic Tutor
4x Ornithopter
4x Phyrexian Walker
4x Compulsive Research
4x Clutch of the Undercity (gets Daggson or Nemonic Nexus)
4x Nemonic Nexus
4x Crop Rotation (serches for R+D)
4x Mishra's Factory
4x Blinkmoth Nexus
4x R+D's Secret Lair (stops me from having to pay for my drinks)
4x Watery Grave
4x Breeding Pool
4x Overgrown Tomb
Keep in mind that the idea is not to win with this deck (although I think most people would forfeit if they had to buy me ten drinks)
Hi-ho, Silver Borders, away!  I do so love when I get an opportunity to fix an Undeck, as it takes me out of the role of faceless grease-monkey mechanic and lets me endulge in the role of entertainer.  After all, you wouldn't read my articles if they were boring, would you?
As luck would have it, I've seen a combo like this before, right after the release of unhinged.  It too used the obvious interaction of R+D's Secret Lair and Ashnod's Coupon, but where you use Arcum Dagsson and Mnemonic Nexus to seek out the coupons and recycle them for Arcum to seek out again, the original evil genius used Auriok Salvagers to simply return the coupon to his hand for 1W and replay it.  With this combo, he could easily make his opponents buy him several drinks per turn, and therefore he set his sights on world domination through cornering the world's supply of beverages.  Of course, there's every possibility he was drunk at the time, but there's a germ of genius under all that barley and hops.  The Coupon+Secret Lair+Arcum +Nexus+an artifact creature is a 5-card combo.  The Coupon+Secret Lair+Salvagers is a 3-card combo, and allows for more efficient recursion of the coupon.  But I''d like to leave Arcum in, since he serves as a good way of actually finding a coupon in the first place for the Salvagers to....well, salvage.  So, we're adding White to the deck, but not removing Blue.  Do we want a 4-color deck?  I doubt it.  Let's try and pull a color.  Black gives us our main tutoring power in Diabolic Tutor and CLutch of the Undercity, while green gives us Crop Rotation to find R+D's Secret Lair.  The Lair can be found with Diabolic Tutor as well, but I stumbled across something better-- Weathered Wayfarer.  The Wayfarer, can not only search for R+D's Secret Lair, but also any of the rest of your fancy mana base, provided you control less land than your opponents.  And it can do the job repeatedly, without requiring you to sacrifice a piece of said mana base.  It can also attack for 1 or block an oncoming threat if need be.
Thus, Green has become unnecessary in this deck. 
One more thing: In a deck with Arcum Dagsson, it seems a sham not to run any expensive artifacts for him to cheat into play.  So here are some suggestions:
Aladdin's Ring, to kill creatures that might end the game and thus cut off your flow of free drinks.
Gleemax, to make the lock harder to break.
Mindslaver, to stop the opponent from conceding and bleed him for more drinks.
Mox Lotus, for infinite mana and thus infinite coupons (though infinite drinks would require your opponent to have infinite money on them, which is unlikely).
One other more thing: If you play this deck and "win" (by win I mean succeed at your goal), you may find that your friends don't want to play with you anymore unless you promise to dissasemble the deck.  Unless you get them wired on caffiene or drunk* beforehand, but then you're walking a dangerous line of too drunk to concede or hold a grudge, but not too drunk to play Magic, and not drunk enough to just punch you out.  If you're feeling especially mean-spirited, you could pull this trick shortly before a new set is released, leaving them with no money for new cards and putting yourself at an advantage.  But that also seems like a surefire way to trade friends for soda.  However you choose to proceed, remember to always play with a smile on your face.  After all, this is Un-land, where all your dreams become reality, and some realities become dreams. 
*BMoor and Pojo.com do not encourage alcohol abuse or playing Magic while drunk.  This could lead to impaired judgement, players attempting to counter already-resolved spells, misplays, liver and kidney damage, and even tournament DQ's and loss of cards or life.  Not life totals, your actual life.  Alcohol can KILL YOU.  It's true.  There, I said it. 
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