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BMoor's Magic The
Deck Garage
Led by Cho-Manno
December 4, 2007
Hey Bmoor!
Well this is kind weird (my first time writing to some one of such
fame/caliber). To start things off, I'm a newbie at MTG and at first
always detested card games until I started college this year. And what
do you know; I fell in love with it. I have a fairly large play group
(I play with my dorm floor) which is around 7 players, who use elf,
merfolk, dragons, clerics, Red burn w/ furnace of wraths decks and a
guy who has like a billion decks. I first started playing with random
constructed decks but then I decided to build a deck based around my
favorite card/color in MTG, Cho-mano the revolutionary:
Led by Cho-mano (nice name eh?)
22 Plains
3x Cho-manno the Revolutionary
1x Purity
4x True Believer
2x Akroma Angel of Wrath
4x Judge Unworthy
4x Pollen Lullaby
4x Condemn
4x Pacifism
4x Pariah
4x Loxodon Warhammer
4x Whispersilk Cloak
It plays out like this:
Start the game by using various delaying spells (i.e. Condemn,
Pacifism Judge Unworthy, Pollen Lullaby) to prevent the enemy from
winning and distrupting their win condition. This allows me to by time
to get out the dreadfully slow combo of Cho + Pariah + Whispersilk
Cloak and True believer + Whispersilk Cloak. And after that I
hopefully draw Akroma/Purity/Loxodon Warhammer's to beat face.
Well to begin with here are a couple of the weaknesses I spotted after
play testing:
1. This deck fails when I can't get the Cho combo running
2. I rarely get the combo out fast enough (i.e. I lose to burn, and
fast/weenie) decks
3. It needs to be faster
4. My win condition kinda blows. After I get the combo out, I find my
self wandering what now? I added loxodon's, akroma, and Purity to do
some damage. At first I had a soldier/cho/splash green for drawing and
muraganda petroglyphs but that was just too slow.
In other words you can get rid of anything you want except
Cho-manno/pariah as I really want that to work.
So please Bmoor pimp my deck!
P.S. Thanks in advance
Okay, F.F., this one looks pretty straightforward. Cho-Manno/Pariah deck has difficulty beating burn, Dragons, Merfolks, and Clerics. Let's see what I can do.
First of all, you mention your vulnerability to burn decks.  I see True Believer in your deck, and i presume that he's your means of stopping burn. Trouble is, he doesn't help much. If your opponent has a fistful of burn spells he wants to throw at you, he's just going to use one of them to kill the Believer and throw the rest at you. At best, he soaks up 2 or 3 damage. I'd say replace him with something. Knight of Meadowgrain is a good way to gain back some points you lost earlier and pad your life total. Knight of teh Holy Nimbus can charge through burn spells, or just make one of them cost two more. And Soltari Priest is outright immune to burn, and nearly unblockable (though that will give Red Mage more motivation to just kill you now while he still can). And then there's Opal Guardian, which turns into a 3/4 pro:red flyer for you. Any one of these could prove better in that slot, and would carry a Warhammer more proudly as well. Remember, if you equip Knight of Meadowgrain with a Warhammer, she has two instances of lifelink and you gain double the life.
Next, let's find a replacement for Pollen Lullaby. One-turn fog effects are overrated, and even though the tap effect is nice, it only works on the player you clash with. Although I am glad you've got clash cards in a deck with Akroma and Purity, I'd say Judge Unworthy fills that purpose just fine on its own.
What can go in for the Lullaby? Well, probably a creature, since right now you've only got ten. That's probably why you're losing to all these tribal decks: they get an army of creatures out, and you don't. That's probably also why you complain about your win condition: there's nothing wrong with your creatures, there just aren't enough of them.
I did just list off a bunch of creatures that you could make use out of, so pick one of those to replace the Believer, and then add your second choice in over Pollen Lullaby. If you find yourself needing to stall against aggro decks, then also consider Angelic Wall. That'll hold 'em off for a while. Though I still think that "double lifelink" thing makes Meadowgrain one of the best picks. With that much life gain, you should have no trouble racing.
That ought to cover this deck, F.F. You're onto a hot idea here, you just need to support it a bit better.
Good luck!