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BMoor's Magic The
Deck Garage
Black/Blue Land Destruction/Discard deck
April 11, 2007
I just started playing Magic a few months ago. When I was younger, I was heavily into the popular TCG games, especially Pokemon. However, despite my affection for games like that, I never really got into MtG. Sure, I played it a few times, but I never really got what a great game it is. A couple months ago, though, I started going back to college after a year's hiatus, and I found that there was a pretty large playgroup amongst "my kind" of people. Hence, I started playing the game, and here I am.
The first deck I played was a green aggro deck built for me by a few friends, but the first deck I built MYSELF was this one that I'm about to post the list to. It's been through some revisions since then, but not through very many. I've been told it's a rather unique deck idea, though since I'm pretty new to the game I don't really know if that's true or not.
The focus of the deck (both now and when I made it) was to annoy the hell out of people. I watched my friend play a blue control deck where he just kept bouncing things and driving people nuts and said to myself "That's what I want to do!" So I went to my local card store, traded in some old Yu-Gi-Oh cards, and built this deck out of singles. Here's the current version:
12x Swamp
12x Island
4x Ravenous Rats
2x Archivist
2x Temporal Adept
2x Dimir Guildmage
4x Talisman of Dominance
4x Rain of Tears
4x Despoil
4x Consult the Necrosages
4x Recoil
2x Befoul
2x Boomerang
2x Hymn to Tourach
In the original version, I played with two Arcanis and a Demonic Tutor as well as less land. However, despite Arcanis being a decent help in the late game, due to his cost and the nature of the deck I rarely was able to get him out, and when I did he got a huge target painted on his head. If the game was going exactly the way the deck is supposed to make it, that wasn't such a problem, but thanks to the power of random, that didn't happen as much as I'd like. The Tutor was nice in some circumstances, but I soon realized that I don't really have a game winning card, so it was kind of a waste of space.
Other cards in the original deck that I've since taken out include Aven Fogbringer, a Feldon's Cane, and Dark Rituals. While Aven Fogbringer fit the deck's theme decently, it's still a crappy card, so that left quickly. Feldon's Cane was thrown in because I saw myself decking myself with Arcanis and Archivist, but as if I got to that point I usually had good control of the field, I figured I don't really need it. Dark Ritual was in there becau se I figured first turn ritual + Rain of Tears gives me good field position, but then I lose card advantage, so I took them out. I've experimented with a few other things, namely Blightspeaker, but even though I love that card, it doesn't fit the deck.
I only have 10 creatures, and none of them are powerhouses. I played Rancid Earth for awhile because it was cheap like Rain of Tears, but since I would usually have threshold, it would end up killing off my monsters, which was a nono.
The problems I see when I play it depend on the way it's being played. In a one on one game, if I get a good hand, I can win. It's a slow victory, but I can win. However, if I let them get 3-4 lands before I'm able to start hurting them, I'm pretty much screwed unless there is a miracle.
Since a lot of the time we play multiplayer games at my school, this deck has been owned a fair amount of times. That's to be expected since it's kind of a niche theme, but I'd like to be able to play it without being completely raped every time.
Basically I'd like some advice on what to do to make it more playable in multiplayer as well as tips on how to speed it up and make it less of a joke/fun deck and more of a deck you can take seriously.
I am, unfortunately, not rich, and if I was going to spend a bunch of money on cards I'd beef up my other decks, so if you could look at the deck from a "frugal" point of view, that would be great.
Thanks a bunch.
- Gracie
Well, Gracie, there's good news and there's bad news. Or rather, the good news is that the bad news isn't all that bad. Well, it's bad, but it's good that I know exactly how bad. Let me explain. The bad news is that I can see two very important problems with your deck. Teh good news is, because I saw them so quickly, I know that they're not hard to fix. The two problems are: a "one-for-one" quality of most of your cards that doesn't translate well to multiplayer, and a lack of a win condition.
The first problem is a simple one, but one that occurs often in land destruction, counter, and disruption decks like yours. Rain of Tears, Befoul, Despoil, and Boomerang are all great cards, but the trouble is that each one takes care of one permanent. In a duel, that's fine: your opponent can play only one land a turn, so if you destroy that oen land each turn, your opponent is stuck. In multiplayer, you might have three opponents, which equates to three lands each turn you have to destroy. What probably ends up happening is that your land destruction fails to accomplish anything and your Boomerangs can only buy you a turn from one opponent's assault only to leave you defenseless against your other opponent. Am I right?
What can you do about this? Simple-- you need cards  that can deal with multiple other card sof your opponent or opponents. For land destruction, all I could find in your colors was Sunder. However, all is not lost. You're already on the right track with Temporal Adept: even though he can only bounce one permanent a turn, he stays in play to keep bouncing permanents unlike Boomerang. Any card you can find to work on multiple things would be fine here. For creature control, you can use Evacuation, Mutilate, Plague Wind, Meishin (the Mind Cage), or Kagemaro (First to Suffer). For discard, try Delerium Skeins or Syphon Mind. I recommend Syphon Mind: not only does it hit every opponent, but it will usuall get you quite a few cards as well. Trouble is, it's not good in a duel. I suggest that you keep a "sideboard" of good multiplayer cards with your deck, and before each game, depending on whether it's duel or multi, shuffle in Evacuation for Rain of Tears or whatnot.
Your second problem is one you yourself described-- you have no game winning card. Your biggest creature is a 2/2 with no evasion. How do you win any games? Dimir Guildmage beatdown? Or do people just get frustrated because you're playing land destruction and forfeit? Once again, this problem is very simply solved-- you just need a good creature to attack with. For this task, I could fill pages with suggestions. Mindleech Mass, Moroii, Serra Sphinx, Mahamoti Djinn, maybe Mortivore. This role could also fill the role of multiplayer global control if you pick Kagemaro, Woebringer Demon, Havoc Demon, or Tidespout Tyrant. But rather than give you a list of creatures you may have trouble getting, here's a few guidelines:
1) It must be big. I'd say its power should be at least 4, more if you can get it. It's toughness should be at least 4, too, since there's a lot of burn spells out there that do 3 damage.
2) It must be able to swing and hit a player. The harder to block, the better. For a U/B player, that'll probably mean flying, or fear, or possibly flying and trample if you find a good Demon. As long as your opponent can't just throw Drudge Skeletons in front of it turn after turn.
3) It should be hard to "deal with". High toughness is part of this, but there's more to it. If this creature will win you the game, then it can't just roll over to a random Terror. Being able to regenerate, being untargetable, or a "leaves play" effect that gives you something back will work (like Keiga, the Tide Star's ability-- even though Keiga can be killed, you'll still have your opponent's best creature to attack with). And even this is sort of optional-- if you're doing a good job at LD and discard, then they shouldn't have anything left to kill a Djinn or a Demon.
Anything like that will work. Just get something better than a 2/2 int here, and you should be fine. Otherwise, the deck idea is decent, and seems like fun to play. Good luck!