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BMoor's Magic The
Deck Garage
I work hard for your benefit here in the Deck Garage as a means of making the game of Magic more enjoyable and more accessible for people. I do this as a way of being an upstanding model citizen for the people who read my articles. As such, I have a moral obligation to live up to. I treat all my clients with courtesy and patience. I don't knowingly give false or misleading information. I don't sell your E-mail addresses to advertisers. And I don't rob people. That doesn't just apply to Pojo correspondents, but to everyone. I don't steal things, no matter from who. Not even from large warehouse corporations who keep hordes of grossly underpaid employees below the poverty line so they can continue to undercut the prices of competitors. I simply don't steal from anyone.
With my powerful, calculating intellect,
however, I would have no difficulty determining the best
methods of stealing something, on a hypothetical level
of course. And if a reader asked me to help them with a
deck that was built around stealing things, well, I
guess my responsibility as a deck mechanic would require
me to help them. It may be a conflict of interest, but,
I suppose I can bring that up at the next mechanics'
Well, I really wish you had told me a
little more about this deck actually. Two sentences is
not enough to go on. Clients who write paragraphs of
text about their deck may seem a tad longwinded, but I
prefer that to this any day.
From what I gather, your strategy is to
steal your opponent's deck right out from under them and
turn it against them. Crime doesn't pay, my friend. In
Magic, the opposite holds true: you must pay for crime.
Cards that steal things not only take a card from your
opponent, they give you a card. So they're like kill
spells and creatures (or discard spells and the spells
they discard) all in one. So it makes sense that they
cost a lot of mana. Which means you need to hold off
your opponent until your ready to sandpaper up your
fingers and pull on your ski mask.
You seem to already be headed in the
right direction with several stall-style cards.
However, just to make this clearer, I'd like to
rearrange your deck list. You did a good job of sorting
it into creatures, spells, and land, but for this deck
fix a different sorting style is called for.
Theft Cards
2 Body Double
1 Dimir Doppleganger
1 Mindleech Mass
3 Dream Leash
4 Enslave
1 Control Magic
1 Confiscate
Delaying Tactics
4 Rathi Trapper
2 Tommorow, Azami's Familiar
1 Draining Whelk
1 Teardrop Kami
3 Frozen AEther
2 Snapback
3 Dismal Failure
2 Boomerang
1 Unsummon
1 Cancel
2 Dash Hopes
Other Stuff
1 Circu, Dimir Lobotomist
4 Piracy Charm
1 Shrouded Lore
11 Swamp
11 Island
Did I miss anything? I hope not. Well,
anyway, now you can see the deck sorted out into its
three main categories: your "theft" cards, your stalling
cards, and everything else. Now, the first thing we'll
look at is the "everything else", since it's least
likely to be of use.
Piracy Charm is actually a fairly good
utility card here. I won't complain about any Charm in
almost any deck, since they're almost always of good
use. Circu and the Shrouded Lore, however, can go.
Circu only works in a dedicated mill deck, and Shrouded
Lore, while a fairly good card, just isn't powerful
Next is your delaying tactics. Rathi
Trapper, Froze
Finally, the business end of your
deck. The theft cards you seem to love so much. The
ones you have now are fine, but if you already have such
larcenous tendencies, why not supplement them with a
Trecherous Urge?
Take the advice I've given you and run
with it. Run like a fat man on Cops runs from the
police only to be inevitably cuffed, maced, and
frisked. Just remember to establish an alibi.
~NAME WITHHELD (due to legal restraints)
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