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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Beacon of Creation deck
June 19, 2007

Most of you probably know by now that Wizards of the Coast has confirmed Beacon of Immortality to be in Tenth Edition.  Many people are speculating whether the other four Beacons (Tomorrows, Unrest, Destruction, Creation) will also be in Tenth.  If the green Beacon of Creation is as well, then today's client will surely be happy!

Hello again, BMoor. I appreciate your help with my reactor deck, and it's doing pretty well (Though I left Silent Arbiter in. I just figured it couldn'treally hurt.).

At the moment I'm trying to improve a deck based around Beacon of Creation. It's been doing all right, but I think it's too big. The main strategy is get out as many forests as possible, then use Beacon, which is why it is half land. The only cards I absolutely want
to keep are the Beacon, Verdant Embrace, and Traproot Kami. The Kami really is there just to act as a wall until I get what I need, and Verdant Embrace on the Kami seems to be somewhat effective. Thanks for your time.

Total: 70

Creatures (4):
4 Traproot Kami

Sorceries (18):
4 Beacon of Creation
2 Biorhythm
4 Rampant Growth
4 Journey of Discovery
4 Kodama's Reach

Enchantments (16):
4 Verdant Embrace
4 Blanchwood Armor
2 Epic Struggle
2 Doubling Season
2 Seed the Land
2 Perilous Forays

Artifacts (2):
2 Gauntlet of Power

Lands (30):
30 Forests

The only real reason I have Epic Struggle is because
I'm in a Teferi's Moat happy environment.

First this gentleman sent in a Darksteel Reactor deck, and now a Beacon of Creation deck.  Good to know some people out there liked Mirrodin for reaso
ns other than Affinity.

So, you're dedicated to putting out
plenty of Forests and Creating swarms of Insects out.  An admirable goal, but there's a small flaw in your "half the deck is land" philosophy.  You see, it doesn't really matter how much extra land you draw.  You can only put one land into play per turn, no matter how much you have.  And you likely don't want to keep drawing more land; you want to draw spells or else you'll have nothing to play.  So you want to drop some extra Forests, as well as some cards that don't support that theme as well as they could.

Perilous Forays is a clever touch.  Seed the Land is decidedly less so, especially since it gives your opponents tokens as well and you have only four actual creatures in your deck.  Gauntlet of Power is nice for the +1/+1 ability, but it doesn't give you more lands, just more mana.  You like having out lots of Forests, but have no real use for lots of extra mana, so the Gauntlet can come out (and likely be sold to buy you every other card I'll suggest plus a couple sodas).  Biorhythm seems nice, but it's useless until a Beacon shows up and it will likely never win you a game since you have no way of killing creatures.

So that's six cards removed, plus six Forests to go down to 24 lands in a 58-card deck.  I'd say we've got some wiggle room now, which means we can start thinking about cards to add.  Now, it’d be nice if you had a few more creatures, and Yavimaya Dryad fits your theme well.  It also lets you donate a Forest to your opponent, then throw Blanchwood Armor on the Dryad and forestwalk through.  And then there’s Hunting Wilds, which will get you some lands in play, and then if you’ve got the mana (which you likely will) it can turn them into 3/3’s.  A good use of a land search card for when you’ve already got a c
onsiderable amount of land in play.  You could accomplish something similar with Spike Tiller—if you’re gonna put out Forests like there’s no tomorrow, why not use them?


Finally, speaking of Forests that get up and attack for you, consider replacing a few of your Forests with Dryad Arbors.  They count as Forests for Beacon of Creation and Blanchwood Armor, but they can also wear Blanchwood Armor.


That covers this deck.  All there is left now is to follow the light of the Beacon, and start Creating!






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