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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Lui's Try on Giants Deck
February 19, 2008

Okay, so it's been longer than I would've liked since my last article.  i'm really sorry about that, but I'm back and ready to operate.  And it looks like my correspondants still have faith in me, even from continents away!  How can I turn down a request like that?
Hi Bmoor,

Greetings from Singapore,

I had never played trading card games before, and around 2 month ago I
decided to give MTG a try, and I was hooked immediately. The thing I find most
exciting is building and playing my own deck, and with MTG, there are so many deck themes and ideas that you can explore. When I first tried to construct a deck, I was amazed by the amount of cards to choose from, so I restricted myself to just the Standard format so as not get overwhelmed.

Recently, I have been surfing the web for ideas and decks discussion, and found this site and your garage. After sampling some of your articles, I decided to send my currently played deck to you for a fix.

Since the current block is all about creatures' type, this is my try on Giants deck. The idea is to hold the opponent's early on with burn spells: shock, incinerate and lash-out also to hamper his development. After which I start dropping my giants. stinkdrinker daredevil helps with the rate of my giant drops and spells (crush underfoot and giant's ire). Sunrise Sovereign will help you in the long run. Depending on the situation, Giant Harbinger can be used to fetch Thundercloud Shaman (to clear opponent's board) or Sunrise Sovereign for the winning blow. Loxodon Warhammer is there because I think giant with a hammer is cool.

Some problems I found when playing this deck:

1. When I encountered control deck with lots of cancels and creature removals. Basically, my giants got cancelled before hitting the board or get removed after hitting the board. By mid-game, I am getting 1 card a turn and couldn't really do anything.

2. Not getting enough card mid-game, causing Daredevil to be inefficient.
Even though I can play the spells real cheap, I can't play more than 1 a
turn. Giant's ire does help a-bit.

You might foresee more problems with this deck.

So, I hope you can help me improve this deck. The restrictions are:
- The cards from Standard.
- Giants theme. You can add giants from other colors. You can also
add other creature types as long as giants is still the main theme.

I was also thinking about Brion Stoutarm and Hamletback Goliath, whether
they can improve the deck.


24 Mountain

4 Blind-Spot Giant
4 Stinkdrinker Daredevil
4 Hill Giant
1 Giant Harbinger
4 ThunderCloud Shaman
1 Sunrise Sovereign

4 Shock
1 Incinerate
4 Lash-out
4 Crush Underfoot
2 Loxodon Warhammer
3 Giant's Ire
Well, Lui, you're in luck.  It just so happens I've been taking a Giants deck to my local FNM for a few months now, so I consider this to be my "specialty", and will gladly give you the full benefit of my expertise.  The only trouble is, I haven't been to FNM since Morningtide was released.  Maybe we can give each other some ideas, eh?
First of all, you can take out Hill Giant.  We'll find better Giants than that, and a vanilla 3/3 isn't worth having a spot on the curve.  So what is?
Well, if you want something better than Hill Giant for the cost, just look at War-Spike Changeling.  It's also a 3/3 "giant" for 3R, but it can get first strike.  Even better is its close relation Taurean Mauler, a Giant that for the same price as Blind-Spot Giant can grow larger fairly quickly.  Just imagine being able to play Stinkdrinker Daredevil on turn three, and Blind-Spot and Mauler on turn four with mana up for Crush Underfoot (whch costs a mere R as long as the Daredevil lives).  This explosiveness is the true strength of Giant decks.
But you mention failing to fuel the fire long enough.  How can you have your fat late game and your fuel early game?  By filtering, of course.  I'm not sure how much Countryside Crusher is going for on the secondary market, but if you can get him, he'd be amazing.  Once he drops, you draw nothing but power spells and every land you would draw becomes a +1/+1 counter.  But wait, don't Giant decks need plenty of lands?  Yes, well, that's why I didn't say he'd be dropping turn three.
If that's too much risk for you, then try Browbeat.  Since you're tired of dropping one card a turn, Browbeat will either give you back three, or out-damage Giant's Ire.  Yes, your opponent gets to choose which, but for 2R, do you really dislike either of those options? Take out Giant's Ire for Browbeat.
Speaking of your burn spells, I don't think Shock is strong enough to justify its place here.  Having a turn one play is good, but having a play that will make impact is also important.  I'd say they should just become more Incinerate, which will still let you stem the tide of your opponents' early creatures and still take out a wider percentage of creatures.
Next, it also occurs to me that most of your Giants, including any Changelings you decide to add, are also Warriors.  And Obsidian Battle-Axe looks very nice when it will automatically jump on that big Giant you tapped out for and give it haste so you can attack with it this turn.  And its mana cost and equip cost are both identical to Loxodom Warhammer, except that you don't always have to pay its equip cost.  Is it better than the Warhamer?  Maybe not, but you might want to give it a try.
And finally, your lands.  They're Mountains.  Looks good.  If you want to try a singleton of either Ghitu Encampment, Keldon Megaliths, or Spinerock Knoll, that'd be cool too, but Mountains are good enough.
That takes care of this deck, Lui.  I hope you manage to do at least as well as I did pre-Morningtide!



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