Hey BMoor. Thought I'd submit my deck and see if you could help me tinker with it. Intended for Standard. Here it is:
2 Battlewand Oak
3 Leaf-Crowned Elder
4 Llanowar Elves
2 Oakgnarl Warrior
3 Scryb Ranger
4 Treefolk Harbinger
2 Verdeloth the Ancient
4 Evolution Charm
2 Footbottom Feast
4 Nameless Inversion
4 Reach of Branches
4 Sudden Death
12 Forest
8 Swamp
2 Cloudthresher
2 Orchard Warden
3 Timber Protector
3 Naturalize
3 Lignify
2 Rootgrapple
I like this deck a lot but it just seems to be missing something. I mean, I could put in some Bosk Banneret. That wouldn't hurt. Also, something to help me shuffle creature cards into the deck wouldn't hurt. Honestly, I just don't know how to keep the aggro while still having win conditions. It's hard! Also, my sideboard really screws up my mana curve when I put it in, meaning the creatures. As you can probably tell, I want to get out Leaf-Crowned Elder as soon as possible and that is what makes this deck tick. Only problem is that often on the second game my opponent realizes that and removes him before I can start hitting for anything. Let me know what you think. Oh, one last thing: Scryb Ranger seems like an odd card to have in and it is. Only reason I have it is that it's a pro blue flier that also can untap a creature, that in turn returns a forest to my hand, which lets me play the forest again, allowing me to get Reach of Branches back into my hand. That is also something that combos with Orchard Warden. A nice life gain is always fun. Let me know how to streamline this and please remember, I'm on a budget, otherwise Doran would obviously be in this. Thanks for the look and your time. Would be great for some help.
The deck looks alright, but it does occur to
me that you could improve the mana requirements in a few ways. The first way is to definitely add Bosk Banneret. In a tribe where almost every member costs four or more, Bosk Banneret serves two important roles. One, it costs two mana, and two, it reduces the cost of subsequent Treefolk, allowing for a turn-three Leaf-Crowned Elder. You could probably replace Llanowar Elves with it, since you have no three drops to ramp up to on turn two, but plenty of four drops that the Banneret can bring out on turn three. Llanowar Elves will bring them out a turn earlier just like the Banneret, but the Banneret can block mroe creatures, doesn't tap for its ability, can reduce the cost of multiple Treefolk spells a turn, and is a Treefolk itself so that Leaf-Crowned Elder will bring it into play.
Next, you suggested that a way to shuffle creature cards back into your library would help you. Well, Primal Command can do that, along with several other things. While Footbottom Feast gets you back some number of creatures from your graveyard, Primal Command gets you the entire graveyard back and then lets you search your whole deck for a creature, or gain 7 life, or Fallow Earth you opponent. I'd say Footbottom Feast can come out in exchange for Primal Command.
Which brings me to another point-- what is Black really giving you? Footbottom Feast, Nameless Inversion, and Sudden Death. Two kill spells and a way to get creatures back. I'm not sure if that's worth splitting your deck into two colors and disrupting your mana base. We've already replaced Footbottom Feast, so let's see if we can't give you green creature removal as well. You've already got Lignify in the sideboard, and Shadowmoor has given us the card
Mercy Killing, so you should be all set. Not only does that let you drop black altogether, it also means your removal is no longer toughness-based.
It also allows you to explore some green nonbasic lands, like Treetop Village, Sapseep Forest, or Mosswort Bridge. Sapseep Forest might be your best shot, if only because it counts as a Forest and because it alleviates your need to run Orchard Warden if you want to gain life.
Speaking of Treefolk you may not need to run, it seems like Verdeloth the Ancient is a bit cost-prohibitive here. Not only that, but if you Leaf-Crown him into play; you don't get an opportunity to pay X. I suggest running Timber Protector instead. You get the same +1/+1 ability, and you make other Treefolk indestructible. All you lose is one point of toughness and the kicker ability, but if you're hardcasting it, the Protector costs one less anyway.
That's pretty much all I can come up with here. This Treefolk deck should have everything it needs after you do all the neccesary pruning. Just remember to give it plenty of water and sunlight.
Good luck!