Today's deck seems a little disorganized, but there's definitely something worth investigating in it. For all the work it needs, it promises some spectacular victories-- the kind your friends talk about for months afterwards.
Hi I was playing a game of casual with some buddy's and I got near 100
mana im my mana pool (3 braid of fire where in play and to keep the mana I
used upwelling). So it got me wondering could I make a hurricane deck? But
how? I put some thought in to it and thought to add a pro circle:green and
story circles or a tooter or two. A cho mano and some pariah on
indestructible cards. This is just a starter deck so feel free to put
anything into it or take anything out. Remember this is a casual deck. Put
in anything or take out any thing I just want deck help :(!
Creatures so far:
1XCho-mano revolutionary

4XTrue believer
Other creatures ????
4Xdark ritual
4Xcabal ritual
4X rite of flame
1Xenlightend tutor
1XDemonic Tutor
1XIdyllic Tutor
1XVampiric Tutor
Other Instances/sorcery's ????
Thanks for helping I don't know much about magic and I' de really like to
make this deck
Lost In Mtg
Well, let's see how we can make this deck work. The first problem is that your'e using Green, White, Black, and Red. Ideally you want to play as few colors as possible without sacrificing utility. You need Upwelling and Hurricane, so Green is in. You also need life gain, and preferably the P
ariah/Cho-Manno combo, so white is in. And Red will give you access to Braid of Fire and other mana burst spells, so we'll work that in. No need to run black.
Now, the idea is to use Upwelling to stockpile mana from Braids of Fire through Upwelling, then pouring it into a giant Hurricane. The biggest risk of all this is: what if somebody destroys Upwelling, leaving you with a ton of mana about to burn you? The answer is one of the main reasons you're running White: Sterling Grove and Greater Auramancy. You don't need both, but the Grove can be sacrificed to tutor another enchantment while Greater Auramancy extends its protection to your enchanted creatures. Not only will Cho-Manno be unburnable wearing a Pariah, he'll be immune to Terror as well.
Trouble is, there are such things as "destroy all enchantments". What then? You'll need to have some way of suddenly emptying your mana pool in an emergency. Luckily, there's a great way to do that in the new Shadowmoor set: Oracle of Nectars. You needed life gain? With this, you can dump half your mana into gaining life and the other half into killing everyone at the table.
Only trouble is, that's a bit obvious. Your friends will see your Upwellings, Braids of Fire, and Oracle of Nectars, and they'll know what's in the works. They will then attempt to destroy the Oracle before things get out of hand. I also reccomend a few copies of Dawnglow Infusion. It can gain you even more life than the Oracle for the same amount of mana, and it stays in your hand where nobody can see it.
So Hurricane, Oracle, and Dawnglow Infusion m
ake three different cards with X's on them. Can Rosheen Meanderer be far behind? I think not.
Next, you may need a few more ways to save yourself from the Hurricane. Story Circle is a good solution, especially since you'll have Greater Auramancy and/or Sterling Grove to protect it. Seedborn Muse also looks excellent in the deck, letting you tap lands for mana on everybody's turn to add to the stockpile.
Finally, try a few Vexing Shusher, just to make sure everything resolves. If you're going to put this much work into a 138-point Hurricane, you don't want it countered, now do you?
And for your lands, I'd suggest a few of the Time Spiral storage lands-- Saltcrusted Steppe and Fungal Reaches. Not only do they help stockpile mana in the absence of an Upwelling, they can empty it out in the sudden absence of one. Using their third ability, you can pay (1) and remove zero counters to get zero mana as often as you like, ensuring you never take unplanned mana burn. Not too many, now, you'll need some straight sources of red, white, and green mana after all.
Try putting that together and see how well it does.
Good luck!