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BMoor's Magic The
Deck Garage
White Creature Deck
October 26, 2009
I've said it before and I'll say it again-- BMoor's Deck
Garage thrives on repeat business.
Hey BMoor along time ago before I really new how to play
Magic I sent in my first deck, a Black-White Deck based
around lots of little creatures and a bit of discard. You
reviewed the deck and also taught me alot about how to make
the deck work. So after three years I decided to send to you
one of my more recent decks: A White deck built mainly for
casual multiplayer, which pumps up all of my little
creatures. My budget is not that big but still any help
would be awesome. I was thinking about splashing green for
Sigiled Captain, and some other bant and Selesnya stuff. Also,
do you think Proclamation of Rebirth is worth it for my
Total- 60

Creatures- 29
4x Deftblade Elite
4x Soul Warden
3x Martyr of Sands
4x Mourning Thrull
4x Ronom Unicorn
1x Serra Avenger
4x Veteran Armorer
4x Celestial Crusader
1x Eternal Dragon
Non-Creatures- 9
1x Swords to Plowshares
4x Devouring Light
4x Glorious Anthem
Lands- 22
22x Plains
Well, I'll start with your final question: yes, I think
Proclamation of Rebirth is a very good idea in this deck. As
a matter of fact, I think it'd be worth it to make this a
full-blown Proclamation deck!
So, in order to make that happen, you need to focus more
heavily on creature with converted mana cost of 1. Take out
the Ronom Unicorns for a playset of Proclamation of Rebirth.
And take out the Mourning Thrulls for a playset of the other
white card that works well with one-drops (try saying that 7
times fast), Ranger of Eos. With the Ranger fishing little
dudes out of your deck and the Proclamation bringing them
back from the graveya rd,
you should have no trouble keeping the board festooned with
If you're going to pursue that strategy, then you should
also take out the Serra Avenger, Eternal Dragon, and Veteran
Armorers as well for more on-topic creatures. Yes, the
Armorers are nice, but 1 toughness doesn't mean much when
you can bring back a dead creature every turn. So, what
other good creatures are there to be bought for a single
white mana?
Figure of Destiny- Not a budget choice, mind you, but
its ability to far outgrow most one-drops makes it worth
every nickel.
Weathered Wayfarer- If you intend to Forecast a
Proclamation every turn, you'll need mana. This little guy
can help you get it, and thin your deck in the process.
Steppe Lynx- As long as you're making your land drop
each turn, this guy attacks as a 2/3. Great for quick aggro
starts, but then this deck looks more like a control deck to
me. So in that case...
Nip Gwyllion- To replace the Mourning Thrull we

Order of the Stars- The White version of
Will-o'-the-Wisp, one of my favorite blockers of all time.
Apothecary Initiate- You likely won't be spending
much mana on your creatures until you get up to Proclamation
mana, so why not cash in?
Bushi Tenderfoot- Flipping it is hard, but so worth
Remember, I don't expect you to use all of these, and
there's plenty more where that came from that you may decide
you like better. But these guys are definitely worth
thinking about.
Next, take out the Devouring Light, in favor of Path to
Exile. The Paths are cheaper, and the drawback isn't all
that tough to deal with, especially if you use Weathered
I also want you to find room for Swell of Courage. If you're
going to drop a bunch of 1/1's, this will help you immensely
with a weenie rush, or just reinforce one dude into a
wrecking machine. Hello, Bushi Tenderfoot?
If you want to focus more on pumping up your 1/1's and less
on using them as an immortal army of life gain and stalling,
you could also run some Equipment. Loxodon Warhammer is
always a classic, but my personal favorite is Scythe of the
Wretched. Trusty Machete is also a nice one with a cheap
cost. If you go down that path, you may want to look at Kor
Duelist for you one-drop army.
Whether you choose to run this as aggro, combo, or control,
good luck!