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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
BU Standard Land Destruction
February 17, 2009

Hey BMoor,

Wanted to see if you had any suggestions for this standard deck I'm putting together.  The theme here is disruption, land-destruction, and control until I can get out my kill condition (Ghastlord).  Unfortunately, I can't afford the very expensive cards (ie: demigod, thoughtseize).

Land Destruction:
4x Rain of Tears
4x Poison the Well


4x Broken Ambitions
4x Remove Soul
4x Spiketail Hatchling

Other Creatures:
3x Mulldrifter
2x Shriekmaw
4x Dusk Urchins
3x Ghastlord of Fugue

Other Spells:
4x Distress

4x Fulminator Mage
4x Unmake
3x Infest

Please let me know what you think.


This sort of reminds me of the Blink
Riders deck from Ravnica/Time Spiral Standard, in that you expect land destruction strategies to be based in red, with a little black and green.  That deck was red, white, and blue.  This one's blue and black.

Either way, the deck pretty much requires Boomerang. 
The key to that archetype way back when was turn two Boomerang, turn three Stone Rain.  Sadly, you can't really do that with Rain of Tears unless you get a turn one Crumbling Necropolis, or is it Arcane Sanctum?

Wait a minute...*looks around....under the couch....behind the papers on the desk...* where are your lands?  You didn't list any lands?  Oh well, they're not hard to figure out.  Let's give you a playset of Crumbling Necropolis, so you can pull of that one-two punch as well as splash a little red for more land hate if necessary, and the rest will be mostly Swamps and Islands.  You'll need roughly 24 in all, give or take.

So, anyway, next let's replace Spiketail Hatchling with Countersquall.  The Hatchling is cute, but 1/1 pings don't further your strategy more than denying your opponent the option of paying 1 and having his spell resolve anyway.  Plus, Countersquall dings 'em for 2 anyway, so you're not losing any damage potential, and its noncreature restriction is hardly a problem given that you're running Remove Soul.

Now that we've upgr
aded your countermagic and your land disruption, how about we give you a new tool with which to disrupt your opponent's hand?  And I know just the thing: Sedraxis Specter.  Yes, it's a red splash, but its very potent.  And even if all it does it draw a kill spell away from your soon-to-be-played Ghastlord, you can still Unearth it and get one more shot at your opponent with it.  Although if you do add the Specter, you want to make sure you have plenty of card draw to make sure you can find your Necropolises (Necropoli?).  That means Mulldrifter and Dusk Urchins stay in.  Shriekmaw is too good to cut as well.  I'm not sure what you'd want to cut to make room for the Specter, but it shouldn't be anything that draws you cards.  Maybe Hypnotic would be a better Specter, just for mana concerns?

At the very least, put one or the other in your sideboard.  Your sideboard currently is only 11 cards, which means it's not Standard-legal-- sideboards have to be exactly 15 (or zero) cards.  Another good sideboard card would be Corrupted Roots, since it furthers your disruption theme.  Blow up a few lands, and throw that on one you leave behind so that they pretty much have to tap out, and take 2, if they want to play anything.  Heck, you could drop that on turn one to ensure that they take at least 4 or 6 if they expect to curve out, then blow up their non-enchanted lands, forcing them to continue to rely on the Corrupted one for mana.

Hopefully these suggetsions will work well for you, Zhao.  Good luck!




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