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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
The Other Side of the Shroud
June 9, 20

Hey Bmoor -  I went ahead and did a sort of shroud deck. But the focus is slightly different from your's. Mine's based on one sided shroud. Here's the decklist:

4 Slippery bogle
3 Drove of Elves

3 Troll Ascetic
4 Plated Slagwurm
4 Silhana Ledgewalker

4 Aether Web
3 Kodama's Reach
3 Rampant Growth
3 Epic  Proportions
4 Blanchwood armour
3 Imperial Mask
2 ??? -  it's coz i couldn't get my hands on Mythic proportions, so now i cant be bothered

15 Forest
5 Plains

SB - Incomplete
4 Leyline of Lifeforce - Against blue control
4 Algae Gharial  - for multiplayer where things are dying everywhere
7 ???

The idea is to play as a normal green aggro only all the creatures have shroud and are probably going to be buffed by my enchantments. I have no idea how to improve it. It is currently weakest faster aggro decks like goblins or elves. I solved the reach problem with Aether web, but early game my creatures are pretty weak and can't do much. It's best against control decks where my creatures can't  be removed but against spells targeting me i still can't get out imperial mask consistenly enough and if i do it get's conterspelled or ob-ringed.

Thats all, i hope you could create more win-cons for this deck so it doesn't only win against removals.


Well, it's nice to see that my efforts in building a deck list from scratch didn't go unappreciated. And of course it always gratifies me to see someone take an idea and put some effort into making it work. That's the kind of attitude I like to see in this garage, Hez!

I'm also glad to see that you've made your own modifications. By getting all you can out of "greenshroud" (or "trollshroud", as I've heard it called, after Troll Ascetic), you manage to blank all your opponent's kill spells while still being able to play your own Auras, and furthermore you don't have to worry about the 2-for-1 that scares most players away from Auras, since your opponent can't kill the creature in response.

That said, it's one thing to be able to play Auras a
nd still laugh off kill spells, and it's another thing to win games.  The first thing that sticks out at me is that you're running 5 Plains just so you can run Imperial Mask, and make yourself immune to targeting as well. The problem with Mask-style cards that protect you is that they don't protect themselves.  Most players can just kill the thing giving you shroud before they target you. So I'd say the first thing you can do is to ditch white altogether, and make all your lands Forests. That should make things much easier on you, since you're no longer scrambling to get the right colors of mana.  All you need to worry about now is having enough of it.

Of course, not being able to stop things that targte you opens you up to whatever your opponent has to throw at you. In my experience, most spells that target players usually are either red burn spells, or black discard spells. There are others of course, but mainly those two.

Against discard, I recommend Quagnoth. It's immune to discard, immune to counterspells, and immune to targeted removal. Its only downside is that you can't play auras on it yourself, but it's worth it.

I also recommend Keen Sense. Since you're enchanting your creatures anyway, this little number will let you keep drawing cards and restock your hand.

And against burn, your best bet is to gain life.
And the best way for you to do that is with Loxodon Warhammer. Loxodon Warhammer and Troll Ascetic are famous for making mischief together, and for good reason.  Together, they give you a 6/2 trampler that can't be targeted, can be regenerated if blocked, and gains you 6 life every time it swings. That'll end the game nice and quick.

Finally, the auras are nice, but here's the problem: While your creatures are impervious to kill spells, they aren't impervious to dying the old fashioned way: by getting blocked by something big enough to kill them. If you really want to be able to bash face with these guys, you need a way to either get around unblocked, or to surprise your opponent with a pump spell. Loxodon Warhammer's trample will help you push through damage alright, and even if your opponent blocks and kills the Slippery Bogle swinging it, he hasn't really solved the problem, since another creature can pick the hammer up and swing next turn. But in a deck like this, I honestly just can't say enough for the simple pump spell Giant Growth. I keep suggesting it, only because it just keeps working. If you're monogreen and you want to win via creatures, you want this card.

Hopefully that'll do it for you, Hez. Give it a try, and hopefully nobody will be able to touch you!

Oh, wait, they already can't. Never mind.

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