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BMoor's Magic The
Deck Garage
Sanguine Bond and Korlash Monoblack Deck
August 20, 2009
Greetings, once again to BMoor's Deck Garage.
I should probably explain why I hadn't fixed a deck in so
long. Well, after the contest, M10 hit the Magic world by
storm, and it took all of us some time to absorb what this
meant for Standard as well as Magic in general. Then we
learned that there were shortages of M10 all over the
country, and perhaps the world, which made acquiring any
cards to playtest with difficult. And, of course, Zendikar
is less than six weeks away, which makes it hard to build
and fix decks in the Standard format-- I don't want to
recommend cards from Lorwyn or Shadowmoor block, but that's
almost half of Standard that nobody wants to touch anymore.
Clearly late summer is a tricky time for Standard. Luckily
for Jnr (yes, that's his name), his deck isn't Standard, so
I can do whatever I want with it.
Hey, My name is Jnr an im from NZ
This is a
Sanguine Bond and Korlash Deck
Deck as follow
3x Cabal Coffers
17x swamps
1x Urbog,
21 Lands
4 Korlash, Heir to Blackblade
2 Nightmares
1 Magus of coffers
7 Creatures
3 Consume Spirits

4 Tendrils of Corruption
2 Corrupt
2 Cranial Extration
3 stitch Together
4 Duress
3 Infest
3 Sign in Blood
1 Imp Mischief
2 Dashes Hopes
27 Spells
3 Sanguine Bond
2 Pestilence
2 Phyrexian
7 Enchanments
62 Cards
i just created this i dont know if it will work. i dont have some of
the cards, i was just
assuming you probably will have these cards. Could you try it out
and see if its any good.

The deck looks pretty strong, Jnr, but there is one detail
that jumps out at me. Sanguine Bond and Korlash don't
interact with each other in any useful way. One counts
Swamps and lets you search up more of them, the other
triggers off life gain and gives you life loss in return.
The common link seems to be Corrupt, which turns Swamps into
damage and life gain, which Sanguine Bond turns into more
life loss. So really, this deck seems to be about all the
ways Black rewards you for playing more and more black.
Let's run with that. You could really use some more
creatures, so how about a few Crowd of Cinders. Phyrexian
Arena is a wonderful card even when you don't run a lot of
lifegain, so let's bump that up to a full four copies. Imp's
Mischief and Dash Hopes can come out to help with these
additions-- they're not very good. :(
Also, if you're counting Swamps, try Leechridden Swamp. It's
a Swamp naturally, so you can fetch it with Korlash and
count it towards Corrupt even without an Urborg in play, and
its ability will give you another way to plink away at
If you find that your opponents' creatures are overwhelming
your life gain and defeating you, the best thing you can do
is to grab a playset of Mutilate. Sadly, your creatures will
die to it no matter how many Swamps you control, but so will
your opponents. This could replace Infest if your opponents
typically don't rely on 2-toughness creatures. If not, then
you may as well keep Infest-- it's cheaper, and your
Nightmares and Korlash will live through it. I assume so,
anyway, since if you had enough Swamps to cast them, Korlash
must be at least a 4/4 and Nightmare is at least a 6/6.
Finally, just because the card amuses me greatly, I want to
recommend Enslave. It helps with your low creature count, it
removes one of their creatures, it counts as a black
permanent for Crowd of Cinders, and it gives you another way
to inflict direct life loss on your opponents.
Good luck to you, Jnr!