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BMoor's Magic The
Deck Garage
Ninja Deck
February 11, 2010
I know everybody's abuzz about Worldwake, but not everybody
has decks made of Worldwake cards that need fixing yet. And
Joe here has an old favorite that needs some help.
thanks for even opening my email.
Before i write down the information about my deck, I want to
apologize for my bad english.
I am from Europe so it´s not that good as I wish it could
be, thanks for understand.
I am playing MtG for 6-7 years now, I played Slivers and one
day I thought I just need a new deck. Look on the iinternet
and : Hey there´s some cool ninjas. So if you could help me.
Problem with deck:
>When my opponent get rid of my creature (for example by
Putrify) I am not able to put them back - so I thought I
could use some clever cards like Grim Discovery etc.
but I´ve like to keep my current cards or at least reduce
it in a reasonable way. I think this is my biggest problem.
Deck list:
4x Ninja of the Deep hours
3x Higure, the Still Wind
2x Mistblade shinobi
2x Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni
2x Royal Assassin
3x Dimir Infiltrator
4x Ornithopter
3x Whispersilk Cloak
3x Quietus Spike
4x Veil of Secrecy
3x Ponder
3x Last Gasp
2x Rend flesh
2x Tolaria west -
(Tolaria West allows me to easily find the Ornithopter
through the transmute ability, if needed)
1x Minamo, School at Water´s Edge
4x Underground River
4x Terramorphic Expanse
6x Island
6x Swamp
Basic idea of this deck is to simply put out the
Ornithopters attack and then easily pull out some cool
ninjutsu guys. (Ninja of The Deep Hours would be better at
the beggining)
The main idea is to make as many ninjas as I can unblockable
(Veil of Secrecy, Whispersilk cloak) + ability of Quietus
take half of opponents lifes)
Last Gasp + Rend flesh >>> (-I don´t
depend on these cards, if you know better burners please let
me know)
If I don´t have any "unblockable spells" on my hand, then I
can simply use these two.
Last gasp - when he blocks me I just get rid of him with
this card + my power of my creature
Rend Flesh - it is useless when I play against Spirit deck
but it´s better than Terror
Dimir Infiltrator + Royal Assassin>>>
I figured out that Dimir Infiltrator is useful in ninjutsu
It´s cheap and unblockable it self, so I will be always able
to put in game some nice ninja.
Royal Assassin >is there for case that Last Gasp, Rend
flesh, Whispersilk cloak or Veil of Secrecy won´t show up.
>Opponents creature blocks my ninja and I can easily deal
with him by simply tapping Royal Assassin.
I think there´s nothing to talk about. (-:
Draw a card for U.
Here I have another cards I was considering about:
Throat Slitter>>>>>>>>>>>>>(against black decks
I suggest for sideboard)
Dimir Guildmage>>>>>>>>>>(-firstly I had this card in deck,
3U>draw a card, 3B>target player discards a card ->
expensive )
Dimir Cutpurse >>>>>>>>>>(-nice ability, but dimir
Infiltrator, Dimir Guildmage and Ninja of the Deep Hours are
more useful)
Minamo Sightbender>>>>>>>(makes my creature unblockable, but
too expensive ability)
Walker of Secret Ways>>>>>-human ninja
Phantom Wings >>>>>>>>>>(-gives me flying - and if
I get the meaning of this card correctly - it
can save my card from graveyard (let me know about this card
Kusari-Gama >>>>>>>>>>>>(-also nice card, but I think
it´s too expensive)
Shuriken >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>(maybe a little bit useless)
Bonesplitter>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (-just basic +2/+0 equipment, but
Persecute + Distress >>>>(-nice
burners too, but sorcery cards)
Please let me know when you receive this mail.
Looking forward to your answer.
Best regards,
Joe Katrak.
Okay, Joe, let's see if we can't silently sneak in and make
some tweaks to this deck.
First of all, Royal Assassin has to come out. You're using
him wrong. You say that you can kill creatures that block
your Ninja with him? Blocking doesn't cause a creature to
tap, so no you can't. Out he comes.
I think you should also take out Dimir Infiltrator, because
Inkfathom Infiltrator is better for the job. Inkfathom is
easier to cast, and has a higher power than Dimir
Infiltrator for those times when you don't have a Ninja
lying in wait (in theory, such a time may arise). The only
advantages Dimir Infiltrator has are the Transmute ability
(and all you could use it for was Last Gasp and Veil of
Secrecy, so I doubt you mind that much) and a higher
toughness. But since Dimir Infiltrator is obviously not the
kind of creature you want to block with, that barely
Next, you need a few more Ninja.
Slitter is average, and Walker of Secret Ways is just
useless. Okiba-Gang Shinobi is probably the best Ninja out
of the ones you're not already running, and you could use a
few more copies of Mistblade Shinobi wouldn't hurt. If you
find yourself playing a lot of people who return cards from
the graveyard, Skullsnatcher might be good in the sideboard.
As for your kill spells, I'd say Rend Flesh is better for
you than Last Gasp, because A) it destroys creatures with
toughness 3 or greater, and B) you can Splice Veil of
Secrecy onto it. Just drop Last Gasp and increase your
copies of Rend Flesh to the full four.
And, for your Equipment, Whispersilk Cloak is nice, but
Quietus Spike just makes your opponent want to block the
Spike's wielder even more, and Kusari-Gama is nifty, but too
mana-intensive. I'd instead opt for Neko-Te. Neko-Te costs
the same to equip as Whispersilk Cloak, and can keep a
creature tapped down permanently. Or at least until your
opponent finds a way to destroy the Neko-Te. Not the
creature wielding it, the Neko-Te itself holds creatures
tapped down until it is destroyed, regardless of who's
wearing them. Most folks don't bother with artifact
destruction maindeck, if they're even in the right color
scheme for it.
Of course, Neko-Te has always been a pet card of mine. I
will concede that Kusari-Gama is the only Equipment either
of us have mentioned, beyond your passing reference to
Bonesplitter, that can allow Ornithopter to deal damage. And
I don't think you need Bonesplitter-- it doesn't make
creatures harder to block in any way.
Hopefully I've covered enough that you'll be able to perfect
your ninjutsu, Joe. Just don't tell anyone where you got
your advice. ;-)
Good luck!