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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
Huge Tracts of Land
March 11, 2010
Today, Tobias has sent me in a deck that's trying to be a
little different from what Tobias usually runs. The
strangest thing I find about his deck? It's running Plains.
I don't really know what to call this one. The Little
Oracle That Could? Mana Overflow? The
Holy-Cow-That-Would-Never-Work Deck? Anyway.
Hi. I'm somewhere between tournament player
and casual. I'm trying to design my first truly Johnny deck,
and was hoping you could give me some advice.
4x Oracle of Mul Daya
4x Fireball
30x Plains
30x Forest
30x Mountain
...yeah, that's it. I've tried a few combinations of
different cards and i'm completely out of ideas. In my
experience with this deck, any additions of cards (such as
mana accel or anti-removal) that don't strictly fulfill the
deck's (fairly obvious) mechanic seem to serve as a
hindrance to victory.
I need some serious help with designing this deck to work
the way it's supposed to! i.e. Early wins that AREN'T boned
by Path to Exile. Thanks a lot!
Wow. Just, wow.
But seriously, Tobias, why are you running Plains? You
have no white cards in your deck. You might as well just run
more Forests and Mountains.
But I've got a better idea of wh at
lands you can run. You see, as funny and potentially
explosive as your deck could be, we still have to deal with
the elephant in the room: land flood. As it stands, if you
want any chance of winning a game, you need to mulligan
until you get an Oracle in your opening hand, even if it
means mulliganing down to one on the play. Once the Oracle
sticks, you get to play two lands off the top each turn, in
addition to your draw for the turn-- effectively drawing
three cards a turn, as long as two of them are lands. At
that rate, you should be able to draw into a Fireball fairly
easily by the time you have enough lands to fire off a
lethal 20-point one... on turn 13. Seriously. Unless you
drop a second Oracle, or your opponent has no blockers and
you can swing for two for a few turns, it'll take you 13
turns to get enough mana to win. And that's assuming you
never miss a land drop, drop the Oracle turn four, and the
Oracle never dies. In the meantime, you're literally doing
nothing but playing lands. What is your opponent doing? I
mean, besides wondering what you're trying to do.
So what's the solution? You've already said that you
don't want to add mana fixing or whatnot to the deck,
because they just tend to get in your way by merit of not
being lands. The obvious solution is to run spell-like
effects that are lands.
First, instead of your mana base being red, green, an d
white, it should become green, red, black, and blue. I'll
explain why in a paragraph or two. Then you need a full
playset of just about every man-land in the format that uses
those colors. Raging Ravine, Lavalclaw Reaches, and Creeping
Tar Pits are your new win condition, and the Oracle can run
them out two by two a turn. Don't forget Dread Statuary, and
M10 gave us Gargoyle Castle to add to the party. I know, I
know, the dual man-lands from Worldwake are rares, and
probably pretty pricey (I haven't priced them), but Gargoyle
Castle is a pretty cheap rare (it never caught on real big)
and Dread Statuary is uncommon, so you shouldn't have too
much trouble getting some man-lands. If you do manage to get
4 of each one, you'll have 20 creatures-- more than some
decks have actual creatures.
And why stop at man-lands? Piranha Marsh takes 1 point
off your opponent's total. Khalni Garden will supply you
with chump blockers. Halimar Depths will keep the top of
your library just the way you like it. Quicksand is always
nice when you've got attackers coming your way, or maybe
just having it will ensure that you don't. Smoldering Spires
can help your lands punch through for damage. And if you
think you'll still want to run Mountains after all that,
well, there's Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle.
But of course, now you need to make sure you not only
draw all these lands, but an Oracle as well. This is why I
asked you to add blue and black to the deck. So you can run
two draw spells which are mediocre-to-bad in any other deck.
I refer, of course, to Ad Nauseam and Treasure Hunt.
Now, I know you said adding any nonland
card to this deck hindered it, but that's because you were
drawing the nonland cards when you needed more lands.
Treasure Hunt and Ad Nauseam don't have that issue because
they each draw you multiple lands when you cast them.
Treasure Hunt is so useful here because your biggest
obstacle is drawing a nonland card. Treasure Hunt guarantees
you either a Fireball, another Oracle, or another draw spell
that will in turn guarantee you one of those things, and
will gladly draw you 20 or so cards until you get one, thus
removing the disadvantage of not being a land itself. And Ad
Nauseam, which normally is too risky to run due to massive
life loss, has both of its restrictions mitigated in your
deck. Not only are lands "free" to draw, and thus you can
draw as many as you want with it, but with an Oracle out,
you get to see what card you're about to draw before you
decide if it's worth its converted mana cost in life points.
And remember, Fireball's CMC is only one.
Actually, with all those man-lands, do you even need
Fireball anymore? Meh, leave it in until it proves itself to
be a hindrance.
Good luck!