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BMoor's Magic The Gathering Deck Garage
The New Generation Of Vampires
June 17, 2010
When Zendikar hit the stage, everybody was eager to get
some mileage out of their shiny new Vampire Nocturnus from
M10. Although today's client has proven that even without
the Nocturnus leading the charge by cover of night from his
candlelit balcony, Vampires are a popular deck idea.
I am a player on a budget who cannot afford Vampire
Nocturnus. I like Vamp decks because of the hawk and
gatekeeper, and wanted to try it out. Since the nocturnes
normally gives the Vamp decks a strong middle game, I wanted
to concentrate more on the early game, with just a few

Here is my current deck.
Lands 21
21 swamps
Creatures 22
4 vampire lacerator
4 bloodghast
4 vampire hexmage
4 gatekeeper of malakir
4 vampire nighthawk
2 malakir bloodwitch
Spells 17
4 inquisition of kozilek
4 urge to feed
3 smother/doom blade (still not sure which one. With the
inquisition, the smother seems redundant, but doom blade is
usually more dead)
4 sign in blood
2 mind sludge
Since you like for the e-mails to contain a lot of
information, that’s what I’ll do.
For 1st drops, we have 8 cards. The inquisitions are great
weapons against X-spells from tap-out, overall strong
monsters, and wall of omens which this deck has a lot of
problems dealing with. The lacerators seemed like the best
creature drop.
For the 2nd drops, we have 8 creatures. The hexmages have a
bit of utility since level-up came out, and will gain more
when quests become more popular (when shard rotates out).
The bloodghast are just great. Finally, if no creatures are
in my hand, I can play the signs in blood.
For the 3rd drops, we also have 8. Nighthawk and gatekeeper
need little explanation. They see a lot of competitive play.
To round it, I added 4 5-CMC cards that can win the game
once played, and a lot of removal.
I know the deck curve can use some work, but how would you
change it?
I also don’t play in a very competitive environment, but in
a more casual one. I still want to be able to do well on my
FNM’s though.
The SB is a work in progress, and fairly simple. (15)
3 sadistic sacrament (any combo deck like polymorph)
1 mind sludge (control)
1 malakir bloodwitch (white weenie)
4 deathmark (just good)
3 duress (control. Read above)
2 tendrils of corruption (RDW)
1 doom blade/smother
If I get a curve from turn 1-3, and follow it with removal,
I always have very good chances. The main problems with the
deck are that sometimes I get mana flooded, and sometimes
screwed (no, much more than normal decks) probably because I
have little card draw, and my games sometimes go too long.
The other problem are high toughness creatures. I used
virulent swipe at first, but it was way too un-useful most
of the time. I guessed this would be a great deck to help
out since it would help many Vamp players on a budget (and
that means a lot of players because Vamps are very popular
in casual plays).
Note: This is not meant to be casual. I am testing this deck
in the casual room of MTGO, and know the deck can do better.
Any suggestions, ideas, options, changes are perfectly
What Magic player doesn't love tribal decks?
There's just
something inherently fun about the idea of amassing a tribe
of like-minded individuals and seeing your creatures work
together as a team!
But while that's the flavorful, creative side of a tribal
deck, the mechanic side is dependant on your creatures
having synergistic abilities or actually rewarding you for
playing more creatures of their type. Elf decks didn't tear
up Onslaught block because the Elves were dedicated to the
defense of their forest homes, they tore it up thanks to
Wellwisher, Timberwatch Elf, and Elvish Champion making
every new Elf that entered the battlefield exponentially
improve the power of the whole tribe. So, for your Vampire
deck to be as strong as you want it to be, you need cards
that reward you for playing Vampires at the exclusion of all
Normally, that means Lords. Wizened Cenn rewarded you for
each Kithkin you dropped by giving it +1/+1 just for it
being a Kithkin. Scion of Oona thwarted every removal spell
opponents tried to point at a fellow Faerie, but offered no
protection for non-Faeries. So what do you have that gives
you an incentive to play Vampires besides your own love of
the bloodsucking fiends? Urge to Feed, which only
your Vampires if you tap them, and Malakir Bloodwitch, who
by your own admission doesn't even come down until the late
game. And you already said you can't afford Vampire
Nocturnus, so to make this deck hum, you need more synergy.
Some mechanical motivation for making these marrow-drinking
monsters a majority of your military.
The first card that comes to mind is Kalastria Highborn. The
Highborn rewards you with the option to pay {B} whenever a
Vampire of yours dies to drain an opponent for 2 life. Since
most of your Vampires are small, there's a good chance
they'll die fairly easily, and thus the Highborn can siphon
away a good deal of your opponent's life.
Guul Draz Assassin is another card worth looking into. It
doesn't reward more Vampires, but it is a Vampire itself and
can take the place of Smother or Doom Blade in your deck, as
it acts like a reusable kill spell once you've leveled it a
bit. It also acts as another way to give yourself some extra
staying power in the late game-- the longer the game goes,
the easier it'll be for you to level it up and the more of
the other side's creatures you can kill without spending any
extra cards of your own, ensuring that they run out of
resources before you do.
Once that's accomplished, swing
with your 4/4!
Finally, make room for Blade of the Bloodchief. One to cast
and one to equip, then let the bodies hit the 'yard! Woks
well with Kalastria Highborn, as every lost troop on your
side leaves them 2 life shorter and you 2 life longer, plus
your creature 2 bigger on both ends. Once a creature grows
to 6/6 or larger, consider moving the Blade so that you're
not putting all your hope on one creature.
But to be perfectly honest, I think you're already on the
road to making this deck better without my help. You already
said you were testing it on MTGO, and like I frequently
say-- practice will ultimately help you more than I ever
could. I can point you in the right direction with card
suggestions and basic theory explanations, but it's up to
you to develop the skill you need to be the Magic player you
dream of being.
And of course, good luck!