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BMoor's Magic
Gathering Deck Garage
Sean's Jester Investor
January 22, 2013
I know, I know, it's been a long
time since you guys have heard anything from
me, and I apologize. It's been even longer,
though, since we've heard from Sean, who
used to be a Deck Mechanic as well. Today
he's asking me for suggestions.. and
offering me one as well.
Hello Bmoor, my name is Sean, and once upon
a time I was a deck mechanic at pojo too.
I used to bounce deck ideas off you from
time to time and even though I haven't sent
an email to you in several years I have kept
up on deck fixes and card reviews that you
do. I'm actually surprised you don't
do small articles on cycles of cards and
various archetypes with your sharp
analytical skills. Now I'm writing
this message to you, hoping you get it,
because I wanted your thoughts on a tweak I
just made to my old favorite deck.
I've recently had the opportunity to play
again with some friends in a very casual
setting and I've dusted off my old Jester's
Scepter deck, but after a little research
I've made a few adjustments to it. I
just wanted to get your opinion on how it
looks now and any thoughts you might have
about improvements. The deck list is
as follows:
Drift of Phansms x4
Vedalken Mastermind x4
Paradox Haze x4
Boomerang x4
Mana Leak x4
Rune Snag x4
Jester's Scepter x4
Blood Clock x4
Sculpting Steel x4
Mishra's Bauble x4
Island x19
Academy Ruins x1
Any advice would be appreciated, and thanks
for your time! - Sean
Jester's Scepter certainly seems like a fun
card, in the same way that Counterbalance is
"fun". Every time your opponent plays a
spell, there's tha t
moment of "can he counter it?" With
Counterbalance, it's the gamble of what CMC
the blue mage can lock out this turn, and
with the Scepter, it's "is this spell one of
the five? what about this one?". Your
opponent doesn't know whether you hit five
lands with the Scepter or every piece of his
combo, and just because you Sceptered a
Cruel Ultimatum once (ouch!) doesn't mean
that you don't have a second copy of
Ultimatum still underneath the Scepter. But
Counterbalance and the Scepter both imply a
"window of safety". Once a Counterbalance
player has shown you his top card, you know
what CMC to avoid trying to cast that turn.
With the Scepter, the coast is clear once
you tap it.
In practice, however, these cards seem much
less fun for the guy on the other side of
the table because the people who play them
work far too hard to exploit them. With
Counterbalance, it's because the combo with
Sensei's Divining Top eliminates the feeling
of randomness, and of hope. The blue mage IS
countering your every spell, and he's going
to make you wait an extra 20 seconds while
he rearranges his library every time you
cast one.
But here, with your Jester's Scepter deck,
the problem is that you've built the whole
deck around bouncing and re-playing
Scepters. When you bounce a Scepter,
whatever was left underneath it stays exiled
(face down) for good. Replay it, and you
exile five more cards. But when I see
Vedalken Mastermind and Blood Clock in your
deck where a win condition should be, that
tells me that you're building to win games
by the Scepter alone. There's two big
problems with that.
1. Your opponent has to sit there and wait
for you to chew through his deck (assuming
he's not just swinging at you with creatures
you can't stop) and that could take a while.
2. Your two-card combo is just letting you
pay 3U to mill five cards per turn. At that
point you'd be better off just playing
Keening Stone-- at least that speeds up as
the game goes on and your opponent has fewer
turns to find an answer.
As it stands, your only means of winning is
to mill or
with Blood Clock. And guess what? A player
who has less than 2 life can't pay 2 life...
and a player with no permanents on the board
doesn't have to do either. Besides that, it
will eventually get to the point that your
opponent can just bounce something small and
replay it each turn because he has the mana
for it.
So what do you do? How can you make this
deck strong enough to win without taking an
hour and a half to do it, and without giving
up on Jester's Scepter? Here's my
OUT: 4 Vedalken Mastermind, 2 Paradox Haze,
4 Blood Clock
IN: 4 Prototype Portal, 2 Eternal Dominion,
4 Dream Stalker
Prototype Portal fits in well with Sculpting
Steel to further your plan of a battlefield
full of Scepters. Bouncing a Scepter leaves
whatever was underneath it in Limbo for
good, but putting a copy of the Scepter onto
the field is less mana-intensive and leaves
the original Scepter out, where it can
continue to threaten a counterspell of
whatever may or may not be underneath it.
With enough Scepter tokens in play, you
could conceivably have a counter for every
spell left in the other guy's deck... or at
least sit there and grin and pretend you do.
I didn't remove all four Paradox Hazes
despite having removed the card they were
originally there to combo with because they
also combo very well with your new win
condition-- Eternal Dominion. The Dominion
fits in quite well with the Scepter's theme
of tearing apart the opponent's library--
the Scepter does it five off the top at a
time, while Dominion lets you pick what you
take away. Better yet, it gives you whatever
you extract, allowing you to win with your
opponent's permanents. It does m ean
that you can't cast spells anymore, but
Prototype Portal and the Scepters will
ensure that you find uses for your mana. All
the more reason Blood Clock needs to come
out-- it doesn't work well with the
Dream Stalker is basically just another
5-toughness dude to help you survive long
enough to make this happen. Yes, it bounces
your permanents and I said that you wanted
to knock that off, but you need something to
hold off creatures. Your need of blockers is
the only reason I went with this instead of
more Islands to accommodate Dominion's high
cost. Maybe I should have said Silver or
Palladium Myr instead?
That's pretty much everything I can think of
regarding Jester's Scepter and this deck.
I'm glad that even after my long absence,
someone is still interested in my articles.
Interested enough, even, to ask that I write
more of them, about "cycles of cards and
various archetypes..."