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Commander Contest Winner #5:
"Vampires Voldaren"
April 19, 2012
And so we come to the final winner of the
Commander Contest. I of course want to thank
everybody who entered-- without you all and
your E-mails, I'm just a sad, lonely man
staring at a computer screen with nothing to
write about. I'll be back to regularly
scheduled deck fixes next week-- I've got
plenty of new material to work with.
And speaking of material to work with, the
final winner certainly gave me plenty. I
have never seen a more well-thought-out and
fully written-out decklist. Every single
card has its presence and function fully
explained, and I feel I simply can't add any
more than the principal author did. So,
without further comment, I present the fifth
and final winner! I hope everyone enjoyed
the contest, and if you didn't enter, I hope
you'll give it a shot next time!
Olivia Voldaren Commander Deck
Hey Bmoor, Mad Mattezhion here with an entry
for your
contest. This took a lot longer to write and
research than I had originally planned, it
turns out that cutting down to 100 cards is
still difficult when faced with the entirety
of Magic!
I started playing Magic just after the
release of Innistrad, so my introduction to
the game was filled with Vampires,
Werewolves and Zombies. Seeing as how the
first Legendary I thought was a must have is
the brutal Olivia Voldaren, it makes sense
to start with her as my Commander. Now for
the rest of the list, along with an
exhaustive commentary!
First of all, Olivia is a one-woman slave
army, with a decent sized 3/3 body for her
initial casting cost (2BR) as well as flying
to avoid all of the ground pounders. Her two
activated abilities are brilliant for a
Commander, which is another reason I decided
to use her. The first ability is truly
awesome, being both a very reasonably priced
(1R) reusable burn spell and a permanent
self pump spell, as well as letting me set
up for the second ability. Even better, the
ping-creature-give-it-vampirism allows me to
hit my own creatures so that they gain all
of the tribal benefits from my other cards!
The second ability is just icing on the
cake, allowing me to steal any creature that
doesn't have hexproof, Pro:Red, Pro:Black or
shroud for 3BB, either to creatively deal
with a threat or simply to pad out my army
with expendable blockers while Olivia
remains on the offensive for the kill! I can
even steal my own creatures back if someone
else has the same idea, but for the most
part I'll be gleefully helping myself to my
opponent's best toys like a kleptomaniac
Alternative Commander: Bladewing the Risen
I'd much prefer to play with Olivia Voldaren
even if someone else is using her in the
same match (that's what kill spells are for
anyway!) but just in case I find myself in a
playgroup that insists on unique Commanders,
I'll be prepared. Besides, it's a big, bad
Zombie (my second favourite tribe) with a
CIP Dragon resurrection ability and a BR
activated ability to pump my dragons by
+1/+1 for each cast. All in all, it's just a
good excuse to run some awesome Dragon
That's two cards down, so now I'm going to
stack the deck full of lord cards to reward
myself for turning anything that doesn't run
away fast enough. Synergetic evil is so much
Mikaeus the Unhallowed (3BBB) (Dark
A 5/5 Legendary Zombie Cleric with
intimidate that gives all of my non-Human
creatures +1/+1 and Undying. While I have a
number of other ways to get those counters
which breaks the synergy with Undying
somewhat, there is no better card to recover
from a boardwipe and power up my not-yet-vampiric
Akroma's Memorial (7) (Future Sight)
At the top of the curve we have this massive
Legendary artifact thorn in my opponent's
side which grants flying, first strike,
vigilance, trample, haste, protection from
Red and protection from Black to every
single one of my creatures. The flavour text
of "No rest. No mercy. No matter what" sums
it up very nicely.
Stromkirk Captain (1BR) (Dark Ascension)
A 2/2 first striking Vampire that gives all
of my other Vampires +1/+1 and first strike,
which is a major help in combat situations
especially considering the low toughness of
the majority of my creatures. That and I
consider cheap sources of power-increasing
first strike to be one step beyond divinity
Blood Lord of Vaasgoth (3BB) (M12)
A 3/3 Vampire flier with Bloodthirst 3 that
gives my other Vampires Bloodthirst 3 when
they are cast, it is good for forcing me to
become more aggressive and interesting even
though it doesn't directly benefit my other
creature types.
Bloodline Keeper/Lord of Lineage (2BB)
A 3/3 Vampire flier that taps to create 2/2
Vampire fliers would be great enough, but
when I summon 5 Vampires and pay B to
transform, it gets even better as a 5/5
flier thats gives a +2/+2 pump to my other
Coat of Arms (5) (Seventh Edition)
An artifact that gives each creature in play
+1/+1 for each other creature in play that
shares a type with it. Admittedly this
boosts my opponent's creatures as well, but
that makes it a valuable political tool,
especially if I have my Stromkirk Captain
out to make sure I hit first. Or I can play
it as a suicide card against a Zombie, Elf
Sliver or Goblin horde just for giggles!
Mephidross Vampire (4BB) (Fifth Dawn)
A 3/4 Vampire flier that makes all of my
creatures Vampires in addition to their
other types, as well as giving any Vampire a
+1/+1 counter if it gets through to deal
combat damage to an opponent. It's
especially useful for those occasions when
Olivia isn't in action to provide the kiss
of eternity herself.
Rakish Heir (2R) (Innistrad)
A 2/2 Vampire that gives +1/+1 counters to
any Vampire good enough to break through and
drink an opponent's blood. Always reward
excellence in service!
Captivating Vampire (1BB) (M11)
Not only does this 2/2 fit in with the lord
theme by giving my other Vampires +1/+1, but
he also fits the thief theme by allowing me
to tap 5 Vampires I control in order to
steal an opponent's creature and make it a
Vampire as well!
Vampire Nocturnus (1BBB) (M10)
This 3/3 Vampire gives +2/+1 and flying to
my other Vampires, but only if the
permanently revealed top card of my deck
happens to be Black. Still, that just
provides encouragement to draw cards until I
meet the prerequisites!
Well, that's 12 cards so far. Now for some
draw spells to help me find these goodies
inside my deck.
Howling Mine (2) (Seventh Edition)
This popular artifact makes everyone draw 2
cards instead of 1 as long as it remains
untapped (and who would want to tap it?). A
useful political tool that keeps games tense
and even.
Teferi's Puzzlebox (4) (Seventh Edition)
Commander games just aren't random enough if
you aren't completely replacing your hand
each turn! Another political tool with the
delightful side effect of allowing players
to sift through their entire deck in one
game, bringing out all of the meanest cards
you can imagine for an absolutely massive
Harrowing Journey (4B) (Dark Ascension)
Pay 3 life and draw 3 cards. Black magic in
its simplest and most elegant form
Faithless Looting (R) (Dark Ascension)
Draw 2 cards and then discard 2 cards. With
Flashback for 2R it really helps to dig down
for my all important first creature.
Sorcerer's Strongbox (4) (M11)
I'll admit, tapping for 2 with only a 50%
chance of getting the 3 cards promised is
less than optimal, but Colourless draw in
large quantities demands such sacrifices and
I'm always happy to get it into play!
Gravepurge (2B) (Dark Ascension)
Taking any number of creatures out of my
graveyard and putting them on top of my deck
in any order is useful before grabbing the
top one is extremely useful. Technically I
don't use this to refill my hand or dig
deeper into my deck but it says 'draw a
card' so I'm grouping it here.
Greed (3B) (Seventh Edition)
This handy enchantment allows me to pay 2
life and B for a card any time I need one,
which is especially handy when my hand is
small and my life total is large.
Null Profusion (4BB) (Planar Chaos)
This lovely enchantment actually makes me
skip my draw step all together (at which
point I make sure to destroy my Howling Mine
and/or Teferi's Puzzlebox). Instead, my
maximum hand size is reduced to 2 and
whenever I play a card, I immediately draw
another. This takes some good timing to make
sure I still have cards in hand that I can
actually play, but once I'm drawing another
card for every land and spell it doesn't
take long to burn through my cards to get
the good stuff!
Diabolic Tutor (2BB) (M12)
This is an old standard and grabs me
anything I need, which is solid gold in a
Singleton format.
Increasing Ambition (4B) (Dark Ascension)
Much like Diabolic Tutor, this card grabs
what I need. Add in the 7B Flashback cost to
grab another two cards of any variety from
my Library and I can set up any combo I damn
well please.
Okay, after 22 slots filled that's draw and
tutoring covered, so now we move the tour
along to the shiny toy section. Artifacts
Whispersilk Cloak (3) (M11)
A cheap Equip 2 source of shroud and
unblockable for Olivia, who will be eating
kill spells like they are after-dinner mints
when the kleptomania begins and will enjoy
inflicting 21 Commander damage without
interference from opposing players.
Mask of Avacyn (2) (Innistrad)
An Equip 3 source of +1/+2 and hexproof for
any of my important creatures to protect
them from the horrors of the big bad world.
Sharpened Pitchfork (2) (Innistrad)
An Equip 1 toy that gives +1/+1 to Humans
and give first strike to any creature
regardless of type, so naturally I'm quite
fond of it. Nothing like equipping it to a
deathtouch creature and daring your opponent
to attack into the pointy end!
Runechanter's Pike (2) (Innistrad)
Equip 2 to get +X/+0 equal to the number of
sorceries and instants in the graveyard and
the all-important first strike. Who doesn't
love hitting first?
Claws of Valakut (1RR) (Worldwake)
So it's an aura, but it's a damned good one!
Enchant a creature to give it first strike
and +X/+0 equal to the number of Mountains I
control, which quite simply is like
switching out a whip for an assault cannon.
Fear the claws!
Avacyn's Collar (1) (Dark Ascension)
At Equip 2, this is an incredibly cheap
source of vigilance as well as a extra point
of power to boost my first strike-loving
army and always leave me with at least one
blocker to frustrate my opponent. On a side
note, I'm not sure if the attached-to-Human
on-death trigger to create a White Spirit
token breaks the colour rule of Commander.
If it does then I wouldn't be able to
joyfully repurpose my opponent's
non-Red/non-Black creatures with Olivia
either, which really defeats the purpose of
this entire deck. So far no-one I've played
against has thought it mattered since the
token technically isn't in the deck and
isn't being cast, much like the various
unlucky critters I've been gleefully
recruiting from across the table, but I
wanted to ask your opinion while I remember,
especially since it is your contest. Thanks
in advance Bmoor!
Splinter Twin (2RR) (Rise of the Eldrazi)
Another aura, this one allows me to tap the
enchanted creature to spawn
a copy with haste that gets exiled at the
end of turn. Provided I keep it off my
Legendaries I can now throw an expendable
token at the enemy turn after turn with no
risk to the original. A particularly
dastardly trick is to copy one of my lords
for twice the benefit!
Witchbane Orb (4) (Innistrad)
Effects that target a player seem to come
along a lot more often in a multiplayer
singleton format than in regular
constructed, so an artifact that destroys
any Aura Curses I already have along with
giving me hexproof to stop future
shenanigans is nigh indispensable. That that
[insert Planeswalker]!
Elixir of Immortality (1) (M12)
Pay 2 and tap to gain 5 life as well as
shuffle both the Elixir and my graveyard
back into my deck. Great for holding of a
turn against attacks or milling and it gives
me something to do on the first turn.
Grimoire of the Damned (4) (Innistrad)
Possibly my favourite card ever, this
beautiful Legendary artifact makes you pay
1, tap and discard a card to get a Study
counter. Get 3 counters on the Grimoire to
pay for the second ability, which makes you
tap, remove 3 Study counters and sacrifice
the Grimoire. The payoff? You get to return
every creature from every graveyard to the
battlefield under your control. If yet
another steal-everything-not-bolted-down
effect isn't enough to make you salivate,
all of the newly resurrected creatures
become Black Zombies in addition to their
other colours and types. Which becomes
brutal to the point of wanting to apologise
if I have Coat of Arms on the table at the
same time!
Curse of Stalked Prey (1R) (Innistrad)
This piece of evil machinery is both a
source of my much-coveted +1/+1 counters and
a political beatstick, allowing me to reward
players who hit the unlucky counter-fountain
whom I've painted a bullseye on. It does
have the unfortunate consequence of putting
me next on the hit list, but the maniacal
laugh at someone else's expense is well
worth it!
That's 33 cards locked in and I'm all out of
artifacts and enchantments, so now I'm going
to throw in some Dragons partly to give
Bladewing something to do as Commander, but
mostly because they are just plain fun!
Skythiryx the Blight Dragon (3BB) (Scars of
A Legendary 4/4 Dragon with flying and
infect as well as two activated abilities; B
for haste (occasionally useful) and BB for
regeneration (extremely useful!). If I need
to take out an opposing indestructible
creature (like Darksteel Collosus) and for
some reason I can't just steal it for my own
army, Skithiryx is the answer.
Hellkite Charger (4RR) (Zendikar)
A 5/5 flier with haste is a good deal for 6
mana, but adding an ability to pay 5RR when
attacking with the Hellkite for a mass
untapping of all your attackers and an extra
attack phase just screams overwhelming
Moonveil Dragon (3RRR) (Dark Ascension)
This guy is another 5/5 flier with truly
awesome artwork and an activated ability,
which in this case is a mass pump of +1/+0
to all of my creatures for R. Aside from
fitting beautifully with my first strike
obsession and assault oriented nature, it's
a great deterrent when my opponents know
that every untapped Mountain is a nightmare
waiting to unexpectedly block and kill their
Balefire Dragon (5RR) (Innistrad)
This is my only Dragon with no activated
abilities, but they are somewhat superfluous
on this beast. A 6/6 with flying and a
magnificently malevolent pose, Balefire
Dragon has a truly evil passive ability
which states that whenever it deals combat
damage to a player, it deals that much
damage to each creature that player controls
too for a truly painful wiping of the board!
Again, the flavour text says it best: "If it
comes for you, die swiftly or die boldly
-for die you will".
That should do it for dragons, taking the
current total to 37 cards. Now for a couple
more board wipes.
Blasphemous Act (8R) (Innistrad)
This sorcery deals 13 damage to each
creature in play which will put paid to the
majority of creatures arrayed against me as
well as a lot of my own forces, but Grimoire
of the Damned will make it all better! It is
expensive initially, but for each creature
in play the casting cost is reduced by 1,
which means that the times I'm staring
across at an enemy horde and really need the
help I'll be able to cast it for just a
single Red mana. Imagine an entire
multiplayer group shooting you dirty looks
and bemoaning the loss of their hordes for
just a single mana!
All is Dust (7) (Rise of the Eldrazi)
Sacrifice all coloured permanents. I don't
think there are any more terrifying words in
the history of Magic, not even 15/15 flying
trample annihilator 6. Especially if my next
move is to fire off the Grimoire of the
Damned, or if Mikaeus the Unhallowed has
given all of my critters Undying.
Damnation (2BB) (Planar Chaos)
Destroy all creatures, they can't be
regenerated. A Black Wrath of God, with all
of the pain that implies.
Okay, so now the count is at 40 cards and I
now need to add some Vampires. Turning
non-vamps is all well and good but having
the real deal is essential for the proper
'Vampires dominate the Multiverse' feel.
Falkenrath Noble (3B) (Innistrad)
A 2/2 flying Vampire with a truly sick
ability for Multiplayer. Any time Falkenrath
Noble or another creature dies, I gain 1
life and target opponent lose one life,
which essentially gives me a massive life
swing without even having to do any fighting
myself. Now that is how to be a noble!
Stromkirk Noble (R) (Innistrad)
Not to be outdone, Stromkirk Noble is a 1/1
Vampire that cannot be blocked by Humans and
which gains a +1/+1 counter for every time
it deals combat damage to an opponent. A
gift that keeps on giving.

Child of Night (1B) (M12)
A 1/2 Vampire with lifelink, an excellent
cheap creature ripe for being pumped an
Vampire Nighthawk (1BB) (Zendikar)
Feared and revered, this 2/3 flying Vampire
with lifelink and deathtouch is an obvious
Arrogant Bloodlord (1BB) (Rise of the
A 4/4 Vampire that gets sacrificed at the
end of any combat where it is blocking or
blocked by a creature with 1 or less power,
presumably as a drawback for having such a
cheap casting cost as well as for thematic
reasons. Definitely a problem I can work
around when I'm only paying 3 mana.
Markov Blademaster (1RR) (Dark Ascension)
A 1/1 Vampire with double strike and the
ability so beloved of all of the best
Vampires in the Innistrad block. With the
double strike doubling the number of +1/+1
counters that the Blademaster recieves, even
1 unblocked swing can make this lady
Guul Draaz Assassin (B) (Rise of the
Another first turn drop, this character is a
1/1 Vampire that can pay 1B to Level Up for
greater power. Two level counters makes him
a 2/2 that can pay B and tap to give target
creature -2/-2 until end of turn, and four
level counters make him a 4/4 that can ay B
and tap to give target creature -4/-4 until
EOT. Sure, nine mana is a lot for the levels
but since I can space it out it's worth
Bloodcrazed Neonate (1R) (Innistrad)
One of the first Vampires I ever used, I
quickly learned to love its aggressive
nature and its increasing size if left
unblocked. A 2/1 that gains +1/+1 counters
every time it deals combat damage to an
opponent should not be underestimated, even
if it is forced to attack each turn.
Sengir Vampire (3BB) (M12)
A 4/4 flying Vampire that gets a +1/+1
counter every time a creature it damages is
killed. It's like a Hungry Hungry Hippo with
wings and a severe case of bloodlust!
Nirkana Cutthroat (2B) (Rise of the Eldrazi)
Another leveling Vampire, it starts as a 3/2
that pays 2B for each Level counter. At
level 1 it becomes a 4/3 with deathtouch,
and at level 3 it becomes a 5/4 with
deathtouch and first strike for a guaranteed
kill. Definitely worth the price of
Falkenrath Aristocrat (2BR) (Dark Ascension)
A 4/1 flying Vampire with haste and the
ability to sacrifice a creature to make
itself indestructible (if the sacrificed
creature was a Human, add a +1/+1 counter to
Falkenrath Aristocrat). An awesome card to
fly fearlessly into you opponent's face.
Falkenrath Marauders (3RR) (Innistrad)
A 2/2 flying Vampire with haste, the
Marauders specialise in aggressive moves by
getting 2 +1/+1 counters every time they
deal combat damage to a player. Anyone
lacking flying defense is a juicy target to
pump these bad boys quickly.
Vein Drinker (4BB) (Shards of Alara)
This 4/4 flying Vampire can pay R and tap to
fight another target creature, and gains a
+1/+1 counter for every creature it helps to
kill. The Vein Drinker is especially good
against enemy unblockable creatures,
provided they don't also have pro:Black,
hexproof or shroud to stop me murdering them
like I really want to.
Now I want to add a couple of Planeswalkers,
just because they are awesome. Ultimates
Koth of the Hammer (2RR) (Koth vs Venser
Duel Decks)
This Planeswalker is awesome for
accelerating my mana, and providing and
extra creature to assault the enemy with
provided I can risk the land. The ultimate
is just icing on the cake, but it helps if I
happen to have Bloodlord of Vaasgoth out.
Liliana of the Veil (1 BB) (Innistrad)
Between forced discard, forced creature
sacrificing and a mass forced sacrifice for
her ultimate, Liliana is just plain evil!
Well, thats now 55 cards locked in so I'm
going to add some out-of-tribe creatures
that fill gaps in this deck as well as
providing useful bodies for Olivia to turn.
Mortician Beetle (B) (Rise of the Eldrazi)
This little 1/1 Insect gets a +1/+1 counter
every time a player sacrifices a creature,
which can be surprisingly often!

Gravecrawler (B) (Dark Ascension)
This 2/1 Zombie won't stay dead, since it
can be cast from the graveyard as long as I
already control another Zombie. Not being
able to block is a very small price to pay.
Darksteel Juggernaut (5) (Scars of Mirrodin)
This artifact creature Juggernaut is
indestructible and has power and toughness
equal to the number of Artifacts I have in
play. Having to attack each turn is actually
a bonus, since being indestructible makes it
very difficult to destroy whether it gets
blocked or not.
Typhoid Rats (B) (Innistrad)
A 1/1 Rat with deathtouch, what's not to
Creepy Doll (5) (Innistrad)
A 1/1 artifact creature Construct with
indestructible that flips a coin whenever it
deals combat damage to a creature. If you
win the flip, destroy that creature! I'd say
an indestructible answer to Intimidate
creatures with half a death touch is worth a
Kruin Outlaw/Terror of Kruin Pass
A 2/2 Human Werewolf Rogue with first strike
that transforms into a 3/3 Werewolf with
double strike which forces your opponent to
double block all Werewolves you control
whenever it attacks. That's very useful
whether it's transformed or not!
Pyreheart Wolf (2R) (Dark Ascension)
A 1/1 Wolf with Undying that makes your
creatures unblockable whenever it attacks
unless your opponent blocks with 2 or more
creatures at a time. The Undying means the
first attack doesn't even carry any risk to
the Wolf, so it is the perfect card for an
Alpha Strike.
Elbrus the Binding Blade/Withengar Unbound
(7) (Dark Ascension)
A Legendary artifact equipment that Equips
for 1 and gives +1/+0, but that isn't the
point. If the equipped creature deals combat
damage to a player, Elbrus unattaches and
transforms into a 13/13 Legendary Demon with
intimidate, flying, trample and the ability
to gain 13 +1/+1 counters each time an
opponent loses the game. A game-ending
threat no matter how you paint it!
Torch Fiend (1R) (Dark Ascension)
A simple 2/1 Devil with an ability to pay R
and sacrifice Torch Fiend to destroy an
artifact. Always useful when you want to get
rid of a Whispersilk Cloak or a Sword of War
and Peace!
Ogre Geagrabber (4RR) (Scars of Mirrodin)
This 4/4 Ogre has an ability that whenever
it attacks, I steal an equipment an opponent
controls and equip to Ogre Geagrabber until
end of turn, when I unattached it and return
it to the opponent's control. Why destroy
what I can borrow and whack you over the
head with?
Skirsdag High Priest (1B) (Innistrad)
A simple 1/2 Human Cleric, he has a Morbid
ability to tap himself and two other
creatures to summon a 5/5 flying Demon
token. Cheap token factories are awesome,
especially when the tokens are huge!
Well, that's a total of 66 cards, leaving me
to put in 34 lands. I think I'll add some
fun dual lands first:
Rakdos Carnarium (Dissension)
The Ravnica Bounceland in R/B, beloved by
many mages down through time.
Akoum Refuge (Zendikar)
The R/B Refuge, another little life gain and
colour fixing card.
Blood Crypt (Dissension)
The R/B shockland.
Dragonskull Summit (M12)
Comes into play tapped unless you already
control a Swamp or Mountain, but I can
happily live with that!
Graven Cairns (Shadowmoor)
The R/B filterland, excellent!
Lavaclaw Reaches (Zendikar)
A B/R tapland that can become a 2/2
elemental until end of turn for 1BR, always
Molten Slagheap (Time Spiral)
A storage land that can filter my colours if
necessary, or just save unused mana for
Shadowblood Bridge (Odyssey)
Pay 1 and tap to get BR, it doesn't help if
it's my only land but I'm willing to take
that risk!
Sulfurous Springs (Seventh Edition)
The old B/R painland, especially useful to
the discerning Black mage.
Tainted Peak (Torment)
It only produces colourless mana unless I
already control a Swamp, but getting B/R
with no other drawback is worth the risk!
Now to finish off I'll add 12 of each Swamps
and Mountains for the full 100 cards. Having
finished this massive commentary, I can now
say that this deck has been a labour of love
that always provides surprises in
multiplayer, whether I win, lose or
ridiculously empower another player to make
them win. I've had just as much fun trading
for older cards (especially 7th Edition and
Zenkikar cards) necessary to make this
happen as I have actually playing the deck.
I have to say a massive thank you for
setting this challenge and I hope you got a
lot of entries (I also hope this email makes
it to you in time!).
To summarise, with or without Olivia in
play, making a horde of loyalty-stealing,
hungry Vampires and charging at the
opponent's face never gets old!