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BG Thallid
2, 2008
BG Thallid – BeJoSe
Don't worry, I'll get back to fixing your decks very soon
but this time I thought I'd show my of my favorite decks and
give an insight into the decisions that went into making it
The Deck
4x Thallid
4x Deathspore Thallid
3x Thelon Of Havenwood
2x Pyschotrope Thallid
4x Sporesower Thallid
2x Mycoloth
3x Profane Command
2x Primal Command
3x Sprout Swarm
3x Shred Memory
1x Squall Line
1x Naturalize
4x Putrefy
3x Llanowar Wastes
3x Vivid Grive
2x Vivid Marsh
1x Pendlehaven
7x Forest
8x Swamp
Thallid; A nice turn one play and the opportunity to hit
for 2 on turn 2 with a Thelon is nice. Unless your
playing a very controlling deck you should always have
some early turn plays
Deathspore Thallid; Another nice early play that also
doubles as removal
Thelon Of Havenwood; Incredibly
good here giving major pumps to all of the creatures.
Why not run 4 then? Mainly because of its legendary
status and the double GG cost which can sometime be hard
to pull off
Pyschotrope Thallid; This is mainly a filler thallid in
in that it fills a hole in my curve* and has a midly
relevant ability

Sporesower Thallid; another core card of the deck. This
card helps with two problems. Firstly waiting 3 turns
for 1 token is a bit poor, this speeds that up nicely.
The second hole that it fills is that thallids are
generally weak without a Thelon on the board, not so in
this case being a respectable 4/4 for 4.
Mycoloth; excellent card. Theres usually at least 1
token lying around for this guy to devour and truth be
told all you need to do is devour 1 card to make him an
efficient threat.
Profane Command, I really like the commands, profane and
primal ironically being my favorites. They allow you a
nice choice of options at a very reasonable cost.
Profane is a stellar card. Most often I will use it to
kill an opposing creature with resurrecting a key
creature of mine (thelon or mycoloth usually)
Primal Comamnd; This will usually give me a life buffer
and fetch a relevant creature although at times it can
serve as a nice tempo card
Sprout Swarm; at first I wasn't really sure this was
such a great cad, but after testing it I am very
impressed. It can effectivly fog one of your opponents
creatures and lets you build up an army very quickly as
well as give you fodder for mycoloth, deathspoere and
Shred Memory, this is a very odd card for a thallid deck
and indeed many people are surprised when I use it but I
quite like it. Originally its only purpose was to fetch
Thelon but then I figure I could out it to to better
use. Now it can fetch the one-of's to deal with either
fliers and artifacts/enchantments, thelon himself or a
utility card like profane command.
Putrefy, all around great card really and should be in
most BG decks.
lot of people have asked with I don't have Thelonite Hermit.
This is really comes down to my style of play. I find the
hermit to slow and can't find a place in me deck for him
anyway, Another question that people often raise is that why
I don't I use diabolic tutor. While the tutor has a greater
flexibility in being able fetch any card I prefer shred
memory for two reasons. Firstly its cheaper cost, while the
tutor only costs 1 more mana I find that it is too slow for
the deck. Secondly the shred memory gives me the versatility
to hose a graveyard-based deck on the off-chance I run into
wrote this article for two reasons
I wanted to show that just because a deck may seem
straightforward, it doesn't mean you can make
innovations on it. Most people wouldn't think of adding
tutors to a thallid deck but I found they really work.
This is turn lead me to include profane command a card I
hadn't considered before. My point here is always think
outside the box. (Another good example is a WR aggro
deck that popped up recently. It runs Painter's Servant,
a 1/3 for 2. Why would an aggro deck run a card like
this when there are so many other better option? Chaotic
Backlash is the answer, this gives the deck a powerful
late-game spell often dealing 8+ damage.
Sometimes you may not always agree with my choice of
cards. Thats fine and in fact I encourage it. Like I
said before, always think outside the box. I can only
offer MY advice on a deck. However if you think that
diabolic tutor would work better in your deck than shred
memory then by all means use it! Try cards for yourself,
you'll often be surprised at the results. Not only that
but your card choices may be better depending on what
decks other people around you are palying. Another
simple fact is that I may simply forget the mention a
card that may work well in your deck.
*In the marjority of decks you want to have a curve. This
means that you want to be able to play something on every
turn. This maximizes your mana use and allows you to
maintain tempo.