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BeJoSe's Deck
Mono Red Burn
25, 2008
Mono Red Burn -
salvador hernandez
24x mountains
creatures= 7
1x torpid moloch
1x magnivore
3x balduvian barbarians
2x jaya ballard, task mage
instant= 10
3x seething song
2x incinerate
1x lightning blast
1x reroute
1x dead/gone
1x shock
1x ghostfire
sorceries= 14
4x volcanic hammer
4x lava axe
3x mana geyser
2x blaze
1x pyrotechnics
other= 4
1x fatal attraction
1x angels trumpet
1x dragons claw
1x illuminated folio
the point of this deck is to use seething song and mana
geyser to produce alot of mana for blaze, or play as many
direct damage spells i have in my hand. any suggestions?
(this deck is for casual game).
Burn Spell = Any spell that deals damage to creatures of
players, preferably both.
You say you have two plans, 1 to generate lots of mana
for blaze and 2 to play as many direct damage spells as
you can. Path number 1 seems much better as a storm
deck, but since it seems like your on a budget I'm going
to go with path 2 and try to help you build a solid burn
The first thing your going to want to do is improve your
consistency, try to get more 3 and 4 of’s. This isn’t as
important in a mono red burn deck where you can get a
lot of redundancy with your spells but it is still a
good habit to have. Next you can probably cut down your
land count to 22, you’re not going to be playing many
expensive spells and the lower land count means you can
run more spells. The other thing I noticed was that you
only have 59 cards in your deck, 60 is the minimum (For
constructed anyway).
Speaking of lands you might want to add in some utility
lands such as Stalking Stones and Keldon Megaliths. The
stones allow you to beat for more damage later and the
megalith lets you still deal damage on an empty hand.
Lava Axe can go, replace it with Beacon of Destruction
which is strictly superior in nearly all cases, not only
can it target a creature but it shuffles back into your
library to be drawn again.
Incinerate is again strictly better than volcanic
hammer, but I would probably run both over shock as they
deal more damage.
Take out dragons claw, you don’t want to be gaining life
in this deck, you want to burning your opponent.
Fatal Attraction can also go in favour of more burn
spells. I say this because you want the ability to be
able to burn your opponent as well assuming they have no
creatures on the board, not only that but if the
opposing creature has more than 2 toughness it takes a
whole turn for that creature to die.
Arc-Slogger is a nice choice, although you do have to
remove a lot of cards from your library it doesn’t
matter if your opponent is dead.
A lot of people won’t agree with me here, but Browbeat
is perfect choice for this deck. Normally I wouldn’t
suggest it but in this decks case it is basically
win-win, either your opponent takes 5 or you draw cards
than could equal 5 or more damage.
For more card drawing, Howling Mine can work, I would
definitely recommend it.
Jaya can turn your extra lands into burn spells so she
can definitely stay
Lightning Blast, while expensive takes out 1/5th
of your opponents life total so shouldn’t be ignored.
Magma Jet not only deals damage but lets you put extra
lands on the bottom of your library
Keldon Marauders can sometimes sneak in for 5 damage in
the early game, or 2 damage and take out an opposing
Magus Of The Scroll lets you constantly burn your
opponent or their creatures for 2 damage assuming you
only have 1 card in hand (Not to hard to do). If you
have access to the original cursed scroll that would be
even better since its more resistant to removal.
Mogg Fanatic can come down early and beat for a few
points before taking out an opposing creature or ping
for one final point of damage.
If you find yourself playing with a lot of instants that
cost 2 or less (Incinerate, Magma Jet, Shock etc) you
may want to consider Isochron Scepter which allows you
to get multiple uses out of your burn spells.

Sample Decklist
4x Arc-Slogger
4x Keldon Marauders
4x Mogg Fanatic
4x Magus Of The Scroll
4x Incinerate
4x Howling Mine
4x Browbeat
3x Beacon Of Destruction
3x Lightning Blast
3x Magma Jet
4x Stalking Stone
4x Keldon Megaliths
2x Fungal Reaches (If you can get enough counters on it, the
reaches will allow you to play multiple spells per turn)
13x Mountains
You don’t have much of a late game so your priority is to
finish the game as quickly as possible, that means throwing
all the available burn spells you draw at your opponent.
The only time you should worry about their creatures are
when they are blocking your own creatures or when they have
a utility creature (Another Magus for example). You will win
most damage races thanks to your burn spells.