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Exalted Deck
February 16, 2009
Deck Garage - Exalted
4 seaside
1 reflecting
3 vivid
5 plains
6 forest
6 island
1 Empyrial Angel
1 Twilight Shepherd
1 Primal Command
2 Battlegrace Angel
1 Rhox Charger
1 Elspeth, Knight
4 Stoic Angel
1 Rafiq of the Many
2 Angel Benediction
1 Oracle of Nectars
2 Prison Term
2 Court Archers
4 Rhox War Monk
4 Oblivion Ring
2 Jhessian
1 Hindering Light
2 Steward Of Valeron
4 Akrasan Squire
Hey BeJoSe, how are
you? I played this deck at states four weeks ago,
here in PA and was
wondering if you could figure out any way to improve it!
This deck placed me
57th in the States.
I didn't have much
of a strategy in this oth
er than Exalted is good and
angels are cool.
The angles of
course are Stoic, Battlegrace, Empyrial, and the Twilight
Shepherd; With the
Stoic Angel, Stoic and Twilight Shepherd can attack
without tapping,
utilizing the Stoic Angel's ability which is nice, but
then you don't get
the Battlegrace Angel's exalted ability unless you
stick with one
attacker at a time, obviously. There are a few more
exalted bonuses in
this deck. Rafiq of the Many, for instance, gives
double strike.
Paired up with the Battlegrace Angel (and the Angelic
Benedictions) you
get multiple lifelink as well as one hell of an attack.
That was basically
my entire plan for this deck.
Hope you can help me
out!, Thanks!
Seems like you've got a fairly solid deck here so I'll just
suggest a few changes.
Angelic Benediction can be the first card to go, for its
cost it simply isn't good enough, I would replace it
with removal that permanently deals with a creature.
One of the standout Bant cards that your missing is Bant
Charm. The versatility as well as the raw power is
excellent and should be an auto 4-of in nearly all WGU

Rafiq is another standout card that, if you can afford
it, should be a 3-of. Again Rafiq provides alot of power
for a small cost.
Oracle of Nectars doesn't really support the theme of
your deck and really ties up your mana in the early to
mid game when you want to playing other spells. For life
gain I'd favour more primal commands. Similar to Charm
they provide alot of versatility and raw power.
With a Bant deck, in general you want to be fairly
aggressive, because of that the Court Archers could come
out for 2 more Jhessian Infiltrator. Another card you
might want to consider, maybe in the place of the
Infiltrator is Shorecrasher Mimic. The mimic has been
doing fairly well in extented bant aggro decks and
theres no reason it cant work here. Imagine this (your
on the draw), Turn 2: Mimic, Turn 3: Bant Charm removing
a blocker and swinging for 5 Turn 4: Rafiq and swinging
for 10, not a bad opening. While this is the best case
scenario the mimic is still a powerful card if you have
enough cards to trigger it.
Other than that the decks looks fairly solid, you've got
the staples of a bant deck; Akrasan Squire, Rhox War
Monk etc and some good support cards, Oblivion Ring and
Primal Command for example.
Conflux offers some nice cards for Bant Decks that you
could look into: Aven Squire for exatled + Evasion,
Frontline Sage to help cycle through your deck, and the
extremely powerful Noble Hierarch, Turn 3 Rhox War Monk
swinging for 4? Swinging for 10 with Rafiq? Yes please.
Hope I've helped and good luck with the deck.